"تيك توكر" تغضب سعوديين بعد توثيقها لحظة وفاة والدتها طلق عروسه في الصباحية بسبب لون عينيها موج أوروبي لفلسطين الدولة ! قضية الصحراء الغربية: "حركة صحراويون من أجل السلام" تدعو للحوار مجدّدا الزعبي: الإمكانيات المحدودة أبرز عائق أمام تطور الإعلام الرياضي الأردني العمري لـ"الانباط": منتدى الاعلام يهدف الى تعزيز التواصل بين الصحفيين بيان التل: الحريات والكفاءات والبيئة عوامل تؤثر على تطوير الصحافة الأردن يطلق مبادرة بالأمم المتحدة لدعم الأونروا غارات إسرائيلية على جنوب لبنان حسين الجغبير يكتب : "منتدى الإعلام".. البناء على ما حدث تربية لواءي الطيبة والوسطية تحتفل بعيد الاستقلال "العبدلي": احتفال جماهيري بعيد الاستقلال السبت المقبل رئيس الوزراء البريطاني يدعو لانتخابات عامة في الرابع من تموز المقبل وزير الصناعة والثروة المعدنية السعودي يبحث تعزيز التعاون مع عددٍ من شركات الأدوية في العاصمة عمان الاحتلال يفرغ مستشفى العودة شمال قطاع غزة من الطواقم الطبية تربية عجلون تحتفل بعيد الاستقلال ورشة حول إدارة مصادر المياه الجوفية بالأردن البنتاغون يتهم موسكو بنشر سلاح فضائي في مدار قمر اصطناعي أميركي الملك يستقبل المديرة التنفيذية لبرنامج الأغذية العالمي الملكة رانيا العبدالله تلتقي عدداً من سيدات عيرا ويرقا
كتّاب الأنباط

ISIS victims .. and the Nobel prize

الأنباط -

Al-Anbat - Faris Sharaan 

The victims of the terrorist organization in the regions where the crimes and military operations took place, are the most people suffering, and because of the torture and inhuman practices that they inflict on them ... The survival of these victims, despite the suffering inflicted on them by human beings, is an unparalleled steadfastness in the face of This suffering ... either to re-create these victims and be able to win the best prizes in the fields of science, arts and literature for it is a wonder of miracles in the light of their suffering and the pain they experienced...

The organization of ISIS is a barbaric savages who destroyed civilizations throughout the ages, beginning with the destruction of Rome and its burning and attesting to its civilization during the Gothic era that made Rome the capital of the civilized world then and through the Arab-Islamic civilization that was destroyed by the Mongols during their march on the capital of the Abbasid state of Baghdad in 1258 AD They poured the river of the Tigris with the color of blood for the multitude of what was killed of its inhabitants, and they painted the color of the river with blue for the multitude of libraries that were burned in it, and its contents were thrown to Syria and Iraq when they established the Caliphate State of the Islamic Caliphate in Iraq and the Levant. As well as violations of human rights that they have sought to violate international standards and the human rights bill.

Men are filled with cruelty and brutality like no other . The women were subjected to cruelty and more violence. They were sold in the slave market after being exposed to nakedness in the slave market. They were brutally raped at various stages of life and ran away from their families and relatives ... They spent long years as a means of fun and getting money ... And deprivation and distance from the parents, relatives and children, of these women victims the Iraqi Nadia Murad, a Yazidis in northern Iraq, which was led by the organization from the Sinjar region as one of the slaves urged in Iraq and lived the life of a slave in the shadow of the Islamic state and she was mistreated badly ...

After years in captivity and slavery, Nadia Murad managed to escape from prisons and detention centers, after having been plagued by the horrors of exile at the hands of an oppressive organization ... but Nadia managed to escape from the organization of the state and from Iraq and the entire Arab nation and went to Germany to tell the Germans and Western public the story of the life of the ISIS prison and the extent of the physical,  and sexual abuse suffered by barbarians of this era.

The information she transmitted about ISIS, their crimes and violations of human rights enabled her to win the Nobel Prize in 2015 in the field of defending human rights and combating the crimes of harassment and rape, in partnership with a Kenyan doctor who had his many researches in this regard.

This subject is highly appreciated and admired by the Iraqi Yazidis Nadia Murad because of the violations that she has beared against humanity and human rights, but because of her great mission in uncovering the crimes of this organization for public opinion, which qualified her to win the Nobel prize for human rights ... !!!

Translated by: Yasmeen Abubaker