تغريم مجلة ألمانية بسبب مقابلة وهمية مع شوماخر بتقنية الذكاء الاصطناعي هل يمكن الإصابة بجرثومة المعدة دون ظهور أعراض؟ كيف نهزم إدمان وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي ؟ بوليفارد العبدلي من التعثر إلى النجاح فوائد تناول الحليب على وجبة العشاء فوائد خل الثوم تفوق التوقعات.. أبرزها الوقاية من السرطان وزير الداخلية يتفقد عددا من الوحدات الإدارية في الكرك دخول الرئيس التشيكي إلى المستشفى جراء حادث دراجة نارية ولي العهد الأمير الحسين يعزي الفنان حسين السلمان 100 الف راكب مستخدمي الباص سريع التردد بين عمان والزرقاء من منتصف الشهر الجاري 10 فوائد صحية لشرب عصير المانجو في الحر مشكلات صحية تصيب الأطفال فى الطقس الحار مقررة أممية تدعو للتحقيق بارتكاب إسرائيل أعمال تعذيب بحق فلسطينيين الأردن يشارك في اجتماع اللجنة الإقليمية لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط لمنظمة الأمم المتحدة للسياحة إطلاق موقع إلكتروني جديد لتلفريك عجلون مديرية الأمن العام تنفذ حملة للتبرع بالدم الحكومة: ارتفاع سعر البنزين 90 واستقرار الـ 95 وانخفاض الديزل عالميًا الخريشة: تحصين قانوني الانتخاب والأحزاب من التعديل بشرط موافقة ثلثي النواب أبو السمن يتفقد مشروع مستشفى الأميرة بسمة ويزور بلدية غرب إربد كازاخستان والولايات المتحدة تواصلان الحوار البناء بشأن حقوق الإنسان والإصلاحات الديمقراطية

Girls, coaches at Za'atari refugee camp celebrate Int'l Women's Day

الأنباط - In celebration of International Women's Day, LaLiga wanted to pay tribute to all the girls and female coaches that take part in the LaLiga | Za'atari Social Project, which was put in place by the department for sporting projects and the LaLiga Foundation, with the collaboration of the AFDPG Global (Asian Football Development Project), which aims to improve young refugees' quality of life by using football as a tool to transmit the positive values found in sport.

Women and girls were able to enjoy a very special and enriching experience through different activities, games and football matches, as well as visits from some local organizations, with the aim of promoting equal rights and opportunities between men and women.

JF Cecillon, CEO of AFDP Global, said: "Today we celebrate the power and the talent of all women around the world. With our partners in Za’atari refugee camp, we promote young girls’ life skills every day and give them the opportunity to develop fearlessly."

LaLiga instructors Izzat Jandali and Javier Garcia (check) have spent the last 15 months at the camp leading the sport and social activities, including directing and supervising the teams and the coaches. Javier Garcia: we wanted the end of the week to be dedicated to them, so that they can feel the important role them play, to emphasis their self-esteem and their athletic skills.

On the other hand, Izzat Jandali said: from the start of the LaLigasocial activities at the Za’atari camp, we noticed that the young girls of the camp had excellent skills though they had been excluded from any training, we therefore concentrated on this and increased the number of female coaches and players by providing all athletic necessities required.

He added: the female players and coaches were able to prove themselves through sportsmanship; we are very happy with these results and will continue to work on encouraging them and increasing their skills.

Since the LaLiga coaches arrived at the Za'atari refugee camp, a plan of action has been implemented to break down barriers and promote gender equality. Specific training sessions for female coaches and referees, as well as training for girls, have generated women's team sign-ups in the LaLiga Za'atari competition, which now has 16 teams in it, just like the Liga Iberdrola.

The huge motivation and responsibility of the participants in the project over recent months has generated a real change in the lives of these women and girls and is the embodiment of excitement and hope for them all.