الترخيص المتنقل في الأزرق غدا طلبة التوجيهي يعبرون عن استيائهم من صعوبة امتحان الرياضيات المعايطة: لم يتدخل أحد او جهة بعمل "مستقلة الانتخاب".. والقانون يحصن الهيئة لضمان النزاهة برنامج تعزيز الانتاجية مفخرة وطنية، ولا بد من عودته من جديد السعودية تطلب من رعاياها مغادرة لبنان فورا الوحدات يتوج بطلا لكاس الاردن. وفاة والدة الملك محمد السادس الأمن يشتبك مع أحد أخطر تجّار ومهربي المخدرات ويصيبه .. وضبط 2 آخرين التربية توضح حول احد اسئلة امتحان الرياضيات اليوم السعودية تدين قرار الاحتلال توسيع عمليات الاستيطان المستقلة للانتخاب" تنشر قرارات الاعتراض الشخصي على جداول الناخبين الأولية والطعون القضائية تبدأ الأحد 13 شهيدا في قصف إسرائيلي على غزة مركزي "الميثاق الوطني": لا مزايدات على موقف الأردن تجاه القضية الفلسطينية المنظمة العربية للسياحة تبحث التعاون المشترك مع جمهورية فرنسا (ما مِتُ بعدُ من بعدِ موتي) النبر...الأوبرا شغفي المتأخر الذي أصبح هويتي أسرة جامعة عمان الاهلية تهنىء بالعيد الثلاثين لميلاد سمو ولي العهد مجموعة الحوراني الاستثمارية تهنئ بالعيد الثلاثين لميلاد سمو ولي العهد آل الديك وآل الجبالي نسب ومصاهرة القاضي طلب ومراد اعطى إبراهيم أبو حويله يكتب :لو توقفنا عند الحقيقة ...
News In English

Lackluster formal speech in Iraq reconstruction conference 

الأنباط -

Lackluster formal speech in Iraq reconstruction conference 



Al momani is asking for the role of facilitator for the reconstruction and he sets out our experiences at the disposal of the brothers .

Iraq reconstruction conference in Kuwait and the reconstruction of Syria on Lebanon and no consolation for Jordan .

We have paid a price for neighborhood crisis and we should get a preferential role .

More than 2 millions Syrian and Iraqi refugees have been embraced by Jordan .

AlAnbat : Qusai Adham 

That moment when the golf leaders launched a flood of billions for the Iraq reconstruction, an aid bus was moving forwards to Alzaatari camp which hundreds of thousands Syrian refugees live in  After being narrowed by syria’s spacious roadsides   ,After spending 137 million $ on the nihilistic war in Syria from the oil money after the confessions of the former Qatari prime minister .

In the 1990 Jordan also received more that half a million  Iraqi  among a hundreds of millionaires and thousands of poor who invaded the old squares of amman, for selling cigarets and some herbs . And some of them still until today on the pavements of old amman , before that nearly half a million Jordanians were carrying their remains of their furniture on the way back to amman . 

The Arab paradox is permanent the Iraq reconstruction conference was held in Kuwait and collected 30 billion dollars for the reconstruction of Iraq, noted that the begging of the Iraqi state was because of its occupation of the state of Kuwait, and to complete the conditions of the paradox , a similar and close conference for the reconstruction of Syria will held in Lebanese capital , which was under the Syria occupation until 2006. Is it a coincidental or the scenario of the conference that brought Palestine out of the Arab map was in Madrid , who witnessed the exit of the Arabs from Andalusia ? 

The answer may not take much thinking that the coming signs  , about the major reconstruction projects will not do much good for Jordan which had enough with the burden of asylum only with Arab and international failed and lack off and government mismanagement of these files to not deny the mistake that we carry . 

Jordan in the work in the Kuwait international conference for the reconstruction of Iraq emphasis the government imbalance in the handling of major files, the Jordanian minister who made statement Jordanian’s speech at the conference, expressed his readiness to make Jordan a facilitator of reconstruction efforts and that he is ready to put at the disposal of the Iraqi brothers all the the factors and expertise that support the reconstruction efforts . According to the official news which was reported by Jordan news agency . 

A government offer to the Jordanian role in the reconstruction of Iraq despite all Jordanian efforts and national burdens borne by Jordan during the crisis in Iraq and the repercussions of this crisis on the social and economic reality of Jordan , all prices of real state and rents were due to the Iraqi displacement to Jordan . 

Th official talk at the Kuwait international conference for the  reconstruction of Iraq is alive ammunition exercise for the speech that will be presented by the government at the reconstruction conference in Syria , which means that we will face more complacency in our demands that our role in reconstruction is really ours and not only facilitator or to put our exeruerties at the disposal of our brothers we have paid a heavy price and we have to receive compensation and special opportunities in this failed because we have experience and efficiency because we are patient and we were partners in the loss  And we must be partners in the gains .

The official discourse is still weak and lenient in the Jordanian national rights, although most of our sufferings are the consequences of brothers' crises and their backsliding on us even when we reeling under the pressure of the loaf of bread and the necessary obsession.

Translated by Diana Hilal