مدينة السلط: عبق التاريخ الفرقة 103 في مواجهة التهريب: خطوات حاسمة لتأمين الحدود السورية اللبنانية الجامعة العربية تستنكر التصريحات الإسرائيلية بشأن السعودية رئيس النواب يلتقي السفير السديري ويؤكد أن أمن الأردن والسعودية كلٌ لا يتجزأ "المتقاعدين العسكريين" تسيّر رحلة عمرة لمنتسبيها العراق يدين التصريحات الإسرائيلية بشأن إقامة دولة فلسطينية على أراضي السعودية اتفاقية تعاون بين وزارة الزراعة وجامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا لتشغيل المستشفى البيطري "الحسين للسرطان" ينفرد بإنجازات نوعية في عام 2024 "مشتركة نيابية" تناقش معدل "الطيران المدني" رئيس جامعة الزرقاء يستقبل وفدًا من معهد الإعلام العسكري لتعزيز التعاون الأكاديمي رئيس هيئة الأركان المشتركة يستقبل السفيرة النرويجية مجلس الوزراء يقرِّر الموافقة على تأسيس شركة مساهمة عامَّة غير مُدرَجة لتطوير المُدن والمرافق الإكوادور تعقد انتخابات رئاسية بين 16 مرشحا إدارية الأعيان تقر مشروع قانون البناء الوطني الأردني المعدل الاحتلال ينسحب من محور نتساريم الفاصل بين غزة ووسط وجنوب القطاع الصين تقدم احتجاجات رسمية لبنما بشأن انسحابها من التعاون في مبادرة "الحزام والطريق" وزير العدل يبحث مع السفير الإيطالي أوجه التعاون المشترك تتقدم عشيرة آل تادرس بالتهنئة والتبريك لإبنهم الغالي المهندس ابراهيم هيثم تادرس بمناسبة فوزه بعضوية مجلس نقابة المهندسين الأردنيين - فرع البلقاء حالة الطقس المتوقعة لاربعة ايام مدير الأمن العام يزور قيادة أمن الدبلوماسي والدوائر

edLabs Launch their “Drive-Thru” Service for COVID-19 Testing in Jordan

edLabs Launch their “Drive-Thru” Service for COVID-19 Testing in Jordan
الأنباط -
MedLabs Launch their "Drive-Thru” Service for COVID-19 Testing in Jordan 
Amman – December 2020 

MedLabs Consultancy Group, the largest network of medical laboratories in the Levant, has announced the launch of its "Drive-Thru” service for COVID-19 testing in Abdoun, Near Taj Mall, on Saad Abdo Shammout street. MedLabs is the only private laboratory in Jordan whose accreditations by the College of American Pathologists (CAP) and by the European ISO 15189 accreditation includes the COVID-19 test. 
By launching this drive thru service, MedLabs provides a location that people can visit to be tested from the safety of their car. As with MedLabs’ current house call testing service for COVID19, patients will be treated with the utmost care and MedLabs’ teams will adhere to every Ministry of Health and WHO safety regulation in order to ensure the protection of both patients and employees, starting with wearing all the required personal protective apparel and using an efficient online booking system to employing the highest quality equipment and testing methods. 
MedLabs activated this service as of Tuesday, the 15th of December. The drive thru will be open throughout the week (Saturday to Thursday) from 7:30 AM – 7:30 PM, and samples collected will be transported throughout the day to MedLabs’ Molecular Biology Department at their Reference Laboratory where they will be processed efficiently by the latest RT-PCR technology to ensure result reporting within 24 hours. In the meantime, MedLabs’ house call service will still remain operational in Jordan’s governorates for those who are unable to reach the Drive Thru or require urgent or emergency testing. 
Commenting on the launch of this service, Dr. Hassib Sahyoun, CEO of MedLabs, stated: "We are proud to launch our "Drive-Thru” service. We have been working on putting the best system in place for several months in order to provide our citizens with the safest, fastest and most convenient way to get tested for COVID19. We take our sense of responsibility in playing a part in controlling the pandemic situation in Jordan very seriously and are proud to be serving our country during these challenging times.”  Dr. Sahyoun added: "MedLabs Consultancy Group is ready to receive hundreds of patients on a daily basis, and we thank the Ministry of Health for its trust in the quality of our work as we follow the example of various developed countries in the way they have provided testing options in the face of this pandemic.”
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About MedLabs Consultancy Group:
Established in Jordan in 1993, MedLabs Consultancy Group is a pioneering Jordanian Company in the field of diagnostic laboratory medicine that has become the fastest growing network of private medical laboratories in the Levant region, operating 46 branches in Jordan, 5 branches in Palestine and 5 branches in Iraq. MedLabs is the only private medical laboratories institution in Jordan to be fully accredited by the College of American Pathologists (CAP), ISO 15189 and the HCAC. It is also ISO 9001 management certified and has received the King Abdullah II Award for Excellence (2011), reflecting MedLabs’ commitment to the highest levels of testing quality, safety and patient care within an integral culture of community building, self-development, knowledge sharing and sustainability. 

MedLabs deploys leading-edge technology through its reference laboratory that offers more than 800 laboratory tests, including genetics, metabolic disorders and anatomic surgical pathology, and receives thousands of samples daily from more than 100 referring laboratories across Jordan and the MENA region. MedLabs employs over 500 highly trained technical and non-technical personnel, including a team of 20 medical consultants (MDs and PhDs) who oversee all sub-specialties of laboratory medicine. MedLabs were the first private medical laboratory to offer COVID-19 testing by PCR in Jordan through their house call service and are the ONLY private lab in Jordan where the COVID-19 test is CAP accredited. They continue to offer this test as well as all related information through their dedicated COVID-19 call center.  

MedLabs is committed to the continuous scientific development of its staff through ongoing learning programs and to introducing the latest tests and best practices in laboratory medicine in the region. This includes delivering the fastest turn-around-times, free house call service, online results and a rewarding loyalty program. Additionally, MedLabs actively participates in various community activation and CSR initiatives across the communities it serves and frequently engages audiences through its health campaigns through various social media platforms.
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