سياسة الحد من المخاطر المبتكرة.. هل تقدم السويد مفتاح نيجيريا لمستقبل أكثر أمانا؟ مدينة السلط: عبق التاريخ الفرقة 103 في مواجهة التهريب: خطوات حاسمة لتأمين الحدود السورية اللبنانية الجامعة العربية تستنكر التصريحات الإسرائيلية بشأن السعودية رئيس النواب يلتقي السفير السديري ويؤكد أن أمن الأردن والسعودية كلٌ لا يتجزأ "المتقاعدين العسكريين" تسيّر رحلة عمرة لمنتسبيها العراق يدين التصريحات الإسرائيلية بشأن إقامة دولة فلسطينية على أراضي السعودية اتفاقية تعاون بين وزارة الزراعة وجامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا لتشغيل المستشفى البيطري "الحسين للسرطان" ينفرد بإنجازات نوعية في عام 2024 "مشتركة نيابية" تناقش معدل "الطيران المدني" رئيس جامعة الزرقاء يستقبل وفدًا من معهد الإعلام العسكري لتعزيز التعاون الأكاديمي رئيس هيئة الأركان المشتركة يستقبل السفيرة النرويجية مجلس الوزراء يقرِّر الموافقة على تأسيس شركة مساهمة عامَّة غير مُدرَجة لتطوير المُدن والمرافق الإكوادور تعقد انتخابات رئاسية بين 16 مرشحا إدارية الأعيان تقر مشروع قانون البناء الوطني الأردني المعدل الاحتلال ينسحب من محور نتساريم الفاصل بين غزة ووسط وجنوب القطاع الصين تقدم احتجاجات رسمية لبنما بشأن انسحابها من التعاون في مبادرة "الحزام والطريق" وزير العدل يبحث مع السفير الإيطالي أوجه التعاون المشترك تتقدم عشيرة آل تادرس بالتهنئة والتبريك لإبنهم الغالي المهندس ابراهيم هيثم تادرس بمناسبة فوزه بعضوية مجلس نقابة المهندسين الأردنيين - فرع البلقاء حالة الطقس المتوقعة لاربعة ايام

Cicero & Bernay expands into Pakistan and Afghanistan with Bashir Mraish Consultancy BMC

Cicero  Bernay expands into Pakistan and Afghanistan with Bashir Mraish Consultancy BMC
الأنباط -
الأنباط -
Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 11 November 2020: Tapping into the potential markets of Pakistan and Afghanistan and further strengthening its strong hold in the Asian continent, Cicero & Bernay Public Relations (C&B), a leading, independent UAE-based PR firm, has furthered its global reach by foraying into the two countries with Bashir Mraish Consultancy (BMC).
The latest expansion is a result of C&B’s efforts to fortify its network of partners and communication experts across the globe and establish 35 offices by the end of 2020. The new expansion adds to the list of markets that C&B has recently expanded into within Europe, Russia, and the USA.
With 12-years of experience in the PR  and communications domain across Middle East and Asia, BMC operates with a special and intricate knowledge of the industries in Pakistan and Afghanistan along with regional markets like Iraq, Syria, and Jordan. The consultancy offers various services to manage perception and brand image with the use of latest technological and digital tools, while working with a number of prestigious clients including United States Agency For International Development (UASID), Save The Children, and HP, to name a few.
Tariq Al-Sharabi, Managing Director of Cicero & Bernay, commented, "Asia is an important market for our stakeholders and a presence in Pakistan and Afghanistan has further opened that space for us. As part of our ongoing plans of exploring new markets and expanding our footprint across the world by offering PR and digital solutions to our clients, this new expansion will facilitate in setting even higher standards and wider offerings for us.”
"BMC, with its expertise and reach, will help us broaden our influence and present us with a valuable opportunity to increase the reach of our clients into the Asian market,” he added.
Bashir Mraish, CEO of BMC, said, "As an established player in the Pakistan and Afghanistan markets, we are extremely pleased to partner with C&B. This new association is in mutual interest and will benefit both the parties and their clients who would be seeking international influence and exposure in their communication needs.” 
It is notable that C&B studies, audits, and evaluates various local independent agencies across the globe – in terms of client portfolio, communications, online presence, case studies, testimonials, awards won, and organisational culture — to form strategic partnerships to expand its network in order to benefit both the clients and the new affiliates.
About Cicero & Bernay
Cicero & Bernay Public Relations (C&B) is an award-winning, fully integrated communication agency. It delivers bespoke traditional and new media strategies and campaigns to some of the region’s most prominent brands through its expert multilingual team. Established in 2005 and headquartered in Dubai, 
C&B has a network of offices in 29 countries covering the MENA region as well as the Indian subcontinent, the USA, Russian and Europe, with an innate knowledge of local business in each of these locations.  
Our ethos is to let the facts do the talking, from making a measurable impact on our clients’ businesses through research and insights to developing innovative ideas and result-oriented campaigns that deliver long-term, positive ROI. The foundation of all our work lies in attention to DETAIL – Data, Explore, Target, Assemble, Interpret, and Leverage.

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