"عائلة سيمبسون".. توقع مثير للجدل بشأن مستقبل هاريس "سجل الأحزاب في المستقلة للانتخاب" يُعلن أسماء التحالفات الحزبية المشاركة في الانتخابات النيابية المقبلة مندوبا عن الملك وولي العهد..العيسوي يشارك في تشييع جثمان فهد العموش رواية السراديب "رواية الصحراء" اختتام فعاليات معرض الطيران الدولي Air Tattoo تكاملية الأحزاب والعشائر الأردنية لترسيخ النهج الديموقراطي. مدير عام " الشؤون الفلسطينية " يفتتح نادي الروبتكس في مخيم البقعة وهم القيد . مدير الأمن العام يزور فريق البحث والإنقاذ الدولي، والمركز الإقليمي للحماية المدنية 37 شهيدا و120 جريحا في مجازر بخانيونس بورصة عمان تغلق تداولاتها على انخفاض طعن مستوطنين قرب مستوطنة "سديروت" في غلاف غزة الاحتلال يهدم منزلين بقرية "الولجة" في الضفة الغربية الشمالي: الحكومة عززت مشاركة المرأة الأردنية الاقتصادية والسياسية والاجتماعية الأعلى للسكان يطلق ورقتي سياسات حول الولادات القيصرية والمنشطات اليونيسف: 250% زيادة في عدد الأطفال الشهداء بالضفة منذ 7 تشرين الأول شركة المناشركة المناصير للباطون الجاهز تحصل على جائزة الضمان الاجتماعي للتميز في الصحة والسلامة المهنية لدورة 2022/2023 تسليم مساكن مجهزة بالكامل لـ 13 أسرة بجرش ضمن المبادرة الملكية لإسكان الأسر العفيفة 796 طن خضار وفواكه ترد للسوق المركزي في اربد شهداء وجرحى جراء القصف الإسرائيلي المستمر على غزة
News In English

Alanbat reveals details of contact companies 

الأنباط -

Verifying the effective  line and create a new mechanism between the Authority and the companies. 

Soon announced the 2017 and 2018 subscribers

Subscriber numbers link with toll tax and companies re-increase competition and waves of asylum

Amman - Alanbat - Alaa Allan

The number of cellular subscriptions  (prepaid and post-paid) reached in 2016 around  9 million and 810 thousand subscriptions,distributed between the three main companies ( Zain , Orange , Umniah ) .
According to these official numbers that “ Alanbat” got from the regulator telecom sector , the number of subscribers in 2016 reached 4 million 270 thousand in Zain’s company while orange got 2 million 950 thousand and in the last million place Umniah with 2 million 590 thousand .

According to the detailed data above the total of subscribers for the telecom companies up to tell 31/12/2016, 9 million 810 thousand subscriptions . 

On a related subject telecommunications regularity authority in 2016  wanted to get to the real number of subscriptions that represent the reality of the Jordanian market, and that is after reaching to an agreement with telecommunication company about the definition of actual subscriptions and based upon this the worth of subscriptions is given to the company .
According to the numbers before the sector tried to take control over the market, the results said that during the third quarter of 2016 it reached 16 million subscribers and 7 hundred thousand subscribes , and after that the numbers reduced ( in addition to the fourth quarter ) to 9 million 810 thousand subscribes , and the  numbers declined to around 6 million 890 thousand subscribes .
In February 2017 the government enforced 2.6 JDs On the sale of each new mobile phone line either postpaid or prepaid system,This has led companies to recalculate their figures in a more realistic way, since the rates of activating the lines and their numbers have become linked to paying the tax.

In terms of subscriber numbers for the years 2017 and 2018, according to information received by the Alanbat, the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) is studying them and will soon be represented in the size of the Jordanian market.

By going to telecoms companies and talking about fictional documentation and over-subscription, companies believe that the large increase in cellular subscriptions is due to the diversity of offers on cellular lines and competition between companies Which led to lower prices of voice calls and the Internet, which made the consumer buy more than a line of addition to the population growth factor associated with natural growth and waves of asylum. It is noteworthy that since 2016 began to work on the concept of the active line (the movement of communication or reception during a specified period), which led to access to the numbers closer to the Jordanian market.

Translated by : Diana Hilal