طلبة التوجيهي يعبرون عن استيائهم من صعوبة امتحان الرياضيات كما توقعت "الأنباط" … الدغمي يعلن تنحيه عن الترشح للانتخابات النيابية المعايطة: لم يتدخل أحد او جهة بعمل "مستقلة الانتخاب".. والقانون يحصن الهيئة لضمان النزاهة برنامج تعزيز الانتاجية مفخرة وطنية، ولا بد من عودته من جديد السعودية تطلب من رعاياها مغادرة لبنان فورا الوحدات يتوج بطلا لكاس الاردن. وفاة والدة الملك محمد السادس الأمن يشتبك مع أحد أخطر تجّار ومهربي المخدرات ويصيبه .. وضبط 2 آخرين التربية توضح حول احد اسئلة امتحان الرياضيات اليوم السعودية تدين قرار الاحتلال توسيع عمليات الاستيطان المستقلة للانتخاب" تنشر قرارات الاعتراض الشخصي على جداول الناخبين الأولية والطعون القضائية تبدأ الأحد 13 شهيدا في قصف إسرائيلي على غزة مركزي "الميثاق الوطني": لا مزايدات على موقف الأردن تجاه القضية الفلسطينية المنظمة العربية للسياحة تبحث التعاون المشترك مع جمهورية فرنسا (ما مِتُ بعدُ من بعدِ موتي) النبر...الأوبرا شغفي المتأخر الذي أصبح هويتي أسرة جامعة عمان الاهلية تهنىء بالعيد الثلاثين لميلاد سمو ولي العهد مجموعة الحوراني الاستثمارية تهنئ بالعيد الثلاثين لميلاد سمو ولي العهد آل الديك وآل الجبالي نسب ومصاهرة القاضي طلب ومراد اعطى إبراهيم أبو حويله يكتب :لو توقفنا عند الحقيقة ...
News In English

His majesty used strategic munitions in Washington

الأنباط -

His majesty used strategic munitions in Washington

Traditional Support Triangle Try to change attitudes, response and conditions

Refusing to become involved in Syria , reject Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem and close the border to the refugees

Amman - AlAnbat - Omar Kallab 

A contrast to the usual familiar in the salons of politics and media, used by US President Donald Trump during his meeting with King Abdullah II at the White House,Which is  "re-launch of negotiations between the Palestinians and the Israelis"that is, what is said about the deal of the century ready is not true or not in the template that placed in , It is also being marketed by regional and western fans, according to a member of the Jordanian Senate, the new players in the region and their president, Kouchner, the president's son-in-law and his trips to capitals.


‎‏Al Ain, which is close to the decision-making circles, continues to say that the bargain of the century is a cruel joke from regional players seeking to sit on the first seat in their countries, invested by the Prime Minister of the Zionist entity to pass its political crisis to get the least losses. The young man, Kouchner, has joined forces with young people on the regional pitch who are active in electronic games in an effort to impose them on the ground, but Netanyahu knows very well that the drop-outs from the deal no more than bubbles to raise his popularity in his extreme street with the support of the team UNI in the US administration. King Abdullah's visited  to Washington did not differ from its overall agenda, although it advanced a series of issues on issues, after Jordanian felt that the United States had abandoned its support for Jordan. The spillover of the Jordanian Spring, which was almost renewed in May, On the the three countries who have support Jordan are “USA,KSA and ISRAEL “sit spectator on the   boiling of the street and its interactions, but one of the ribs was waiting for what is the most dangerous and another rib was waiting for a Jordanian nod watching it as a great pleasure, and a single rib was waiting for the signal of the rib satisfied, forcing Jordan to use strategic ammunition if it is within the corridors of the American administration A Russian newspaper also pointed out that King Abdullah has the tools of influence in the policy of the White House, or about the political rotation on the Turkish-Qatari axis, on the one hand, and moistening political channels with the Syrian regime and its allies. Iran is not an enemy and Hezbollah can reach understandings with him. The steps taken by the political mind raised the suspicion of the Trinity. The brotherhood initiative in Kuwait was a spark for the movement of the Saudi side to act at the Mecca Summit, despite the limited support, and then a semi-successful Qatari project, waiting for some details and contact from Erdogan. The monarch  visited Washington and the heat in the statements and reception and support, and return the political projects back slightly, the prime minister of the entity re-recognition of guardianship and Washington began talking about the launch of negotiations, and the deal was reduced to the limits of humanitarian impact in the Gaza Strip, Over. The Jordanian approach to Syria and its file was the most influential on the positions, after this file became the most sensitive files for Jordan, and the most powerful cards in his hands, as evidenced by the visit of Netanyahu to Amman, which has been long gone. And the opening of the Nisib crossing is the dynamic name for the Syrian army's acceptance of the border with Jordan. Therefore, Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi, from Washington, has launched a political approach to the Syrian state, Fixed statements Regarding the closure of the border against the Syrian asylum by the events of the liberation of Daraa, despite US pressure to open the border to refugees and Jordanian fears of a US step is not excluded by dismantling the US presence and exit from the Syrian border. Jordan has proved that it is a state that is not soft and has a lot of political and regional papers, and it is capable of delivering messages of great significance and cruelty; but on Cellophane's paper. Perhaps the letter of assignment of Dr. Omar Al-Razzaz with its shades and signals was the first regional letters, One of them Al-Razzaz in his favor as a significant message to the Arab and regional neighborhood is the son of Manif al-Razzaz, bearing the name of the shadow on the ear of the region. The development of the Syrian file in its current rhythms and the extension of the influence of the Syrian army on the southern region of Syria will undoubtedly give Jordan a wider area of ​​movement. It will also give it a regional margin of maneuver that may be balanced by the triad of traditional support. The three Amman emirs proved their strength and resilience. , The loyalties in the file of involvement in Syria and the rejection of sovereignty over Jerusalem and the opening of the border in the face of refugees are still and won’t be retracted 

Translated by Dana Al-Shoubaki