كيف يمكن لنتنياهو الالتفاف على قرار "الجنائية الدولية"؟ خبراء يجيبون ‏‏المدير الفني لنادي العقبة يستقيل من تدريب الفريق بنك المعرفة المصري ،، دعوة لإنشاء بنك معرفة أردني مماثل الإيسيسكو تدعو لحماية التراث اللبناني من التدمير جراء العدوان الإسرائيلي منتخب الكراتيه يتصدر مجموعته ببطولة العالم آلاف المستوطنين بينهم بن غفير يقتحمون الحرم الإبراهيمي صحة غزة تحذر من توقف المستشفيات عن العمل خلال (48) ساعة بسبب نفاد الوقود هل الجزية تنطبق على العرب المسيحيين؟ الصفدي: يحق لنا التباهي بحكمنا الهاشمي ونفخر بدفاع الملك عن غزة الخطوط القطرية تخفض أسعار رحلاتها بين عمان والدوحة مندوبا عن الملك وولي العهد.. العيسوي يعزي عشيرة النعيمات الرئيس الصيني في زيارة قصيرة للمغرب المغرب: تفكيك خلية إرهابية موالية لداعش بالساحل مدير إدارة الأرصاد الجوية: كتلة هوائية باردة جدا تؤثر على المملكة وانخفاض ملموس في درجات الحرارة انطلاق تصفيات بطولة القائد الشتوية لأندية المعلمين في كرة القدم انهيار مبنيين بالكامل بغارتين إسرائيليتين على الشياح جنوب بيروت بيروت: تجدد الغارات على الضاحية الجنوبية بعد تهديدات بالإخلاء العراق يطلب دورة غير عادية لجامعة الدول العربية بعد التهديدات الإسرائيلية الاحتلال يستهدف مستشفى كمال عدوان شمال قطاع غزة وفاة الفنان المصري عادل الفار بعد صراع مع المرض

The specter of Al Molqi is hunting Al Razzaz

The specter of Al Molqi is hunting Al Razzaz
الأنباط -

Reduction of the tax issue and negligence in reviewing the members of the Board of Trustees

The specter of Al Molqi is  hunting Al Razzaz 

Claiming to open the issue of declarations of the Secretariat and the rest of the silent settlements with the influential

Questions about hidden fingers behind the unusual anger of deputies 

AlAnbat - Qusai Adham 
The moment that the government of Dr. Omar al-Razzaz is waiting to complete the preparation of its electoral statement to gain the confidence of the House of Representatives, the small bombs explode in her lap because of the unbalanced actions of the ministers of the second row,Where a mine exploded appointments of the boards of university secretaries a few hours after the explosion of a simple mine in the Ministry of Finance, which announced through the tax arm to pick up a file of corruption worth 4.5 million dinars raised by the tinder rather than its satisfaction,From a street that was disobedient to political maneuvering.

The boards of university secretaries, whose members were appointed by the government of Dr. Hani al-Mulqi, quickly exploded in the face of al-Razzaz, who kept the minister of higher education,After the decision of the Higher Education Council to withdraw from the appointment of three members of the boards of trustees because they did not receive the first university degree amid conversations about the lack of another obtain a certificate of non-judgment by virtue of his conviction for the crime of fraud ,An academic source said that the government is now in trouble, where the Royal Decree was issued by appointing the three, which means that a second will is required to accept their resignations. The only way  for the three to resign,The academic source confirmed that the decision of higher education is flawed twice, first by placing members without confirming the conditions of placement and the second withdrawal of the decision, which confirms the space of disregard for the conditions in the decision-making circles at all levels.

The issue of tax, which was supposed to be a government signal to start fighting corruption, has already given the opposite effect, especially after many activists raised similar, more serious, and more valuable issues than the business case, which says its papers.A law of 6 million dinars was imposed by an evaluation committee, the company did not agree on the decision and considered it unfair. The law allowed the company not to approve the objection within the department and the formation of a new committee to consider the case again and study its papers,And the issuance of a new decision to reduce or raise or keep the decision according to what the new committee envisages, and actually the new committee reduced the tax imposed from 6 million to 1.5 million,However, the company refused because the amount is large. The law allowed it to appeal to the court and the case is considered by a judge from outside the department. The case of the judiciary is still pending and according to activists this is routine . 

In contrast, many are talking  about a case involving a publicity and advertising company owned by a large outlet,It must pay the amounts for each sign attached within the Secretariat of Amman as other companies,The company did not pay its obligations to the secretariat as appropriate, as it was resorted to the judiciary and the judiciary ordered the company to pay  52 million dinars and issued a judicial ruling,Amman Mayor Aqel Beltagy reconciled the company after the judicial ruling, where paying only half a million and waiving 51.5 million,Prompting activists to seek more serious cases from the previous tax issue.

The issues raised today in the face of the new government opens the door to critical questions about the secrets of opening these files today, before the government begins to submit a certificate of accreditation to parliament,The wrath of the new government is particularly unprecedented among members of parliament Especially since those who have any rigid positions to face  the reckless and relatively reasonable decisions of the government.Will the troubled government of Razzaz and the political stream of Islam be a victim of restoring the popularity of a comfortable parliament for all decision-making circles in power or will it pass from the gate of confidence based on the popularity of its president,by Silent settlement guarantees the satisfaction of deputies and ensure the safe passage of the government?

Questions asked by the ordinary street man before the salons busy today installed the detonator detonation of a government seeking to request a chance of 100 days just before the erection of the gallows as the new minister said . The most urgent question is whether the government of Razzaz to open these files from the scandal of the Board of Trustees to silent settlements to prove the sincerity of its approach and that the government team is a real reflection of the head of the team,In other words, the prime minister is able to reverse his will and his integrity to the government team, as did the heads of government considered in the history of the Jordanian state, the answer in the president's mind?

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