"الأراضي" تطلق غدا خدمة الاعتراض الإلكتروني على القيمة الإدارية الملك يهنئ الرئيس المصري بذكرى ثورة 23 تموز "عائلة سيمبسون".. توقع مثير للجدل بشأن مستقبل هاريس "سجل الأحزاب في المستقلة للانتخاب" يُعلن أسماء التحالفات الحزبية المشاركة في الانتخابات النيابية المقبلة مندوبا عن الملك وولي العهد..العيسوي يشارك في تشييع جثمان فهد العموش رواية السراديب "رواية الصحراء" اختتام فعاليات معرض الطيران الدولي Air Tattoo تكاملية الأحزاب والعشائر الأردنية لترسيخ النهج الديموقراطي. مدير عام " الشؤون الفلسطينية " يفتتح نادي الروبتكس في مخيم البقعة وهم القيد . مدير الأمن العام يزور فريق البحث والإنقاذ الدولي، والمركز الإقليمي للحماية المدنية 37 شهيدا و120 جريحا في مجازر بخانيونس بورصة عمان تغلق تداولاتها على انخفاض طعن مستوطنين قرب مستوطنة "سديروت" في غلاف غزة الاحتلال يهدم منزلين بقرية "الولجة" في الضفة الغربية الشمالي: الحكومة عززت مشاركة المرأة الأردنية الاقتصادية والسياسية والاجتماعية الأعلى للسكان يطلق ورقتي سياسات حول الولادات القيصرية والمنشطات اليونيسف: 250% زيادة في عدد الأطفال الشهداء بالضفة منذ 7 تشرين الأول شركة المناشركة المناصير للباطون الجاهز تحصل على جائزة الضمان الاجتماعي للتميز في الصحة والسلامة المهنية لدورة 2022/2023 تسليم مساكن مجهزة بالكامل لـ 13 أسرة بجرش ضمن المبادرة الملكية لإسكان الأسر العفيفة
News In English

Jordan has nothing to hide nor to be afraid of 

الأنباط -

Jordan has nothing to hide nor to be afraid of 

Omar Kallab 

The King's visit to Washington was not secret or surprising, for every follower. His majesty announced during a meeting with writers and journalists in mid-April,Perhaps the poor man wrote about them and their significance and timing, and it was known that it will be in June and that the summit on June 25 with the US President,Fahd Al-Khaitan wrote three months ago about the visit known as time, place and even repetition at this time of every year and followed by an annual leave of the King,The surprise lies in the involvement of some of the politicians and the followers of those who held high positions in the state, denouncing this visit as a nuclear secret or a political surprise.

There is a mysterious mind in the Jordanian society that relies on such news and is promoting it by quoting external media organizations, fully held by a political nurse who is rich in money, salt, oil and gas,Which is disturbed by the roar of the King's plane as it roams the capitals of heavy and decision-maker, and if there is a renewed surprise, it consists of disturbing the King's leave,This disquiet can be understood exclusively by leaders in the region who dare not move from one province to another within their own countries, or from a third-tier capital in global and local influence.

The mysterious and incomprehensible mind in Jordan and the owners of the official sites of the former, has been issuing his crisis to the Jordanian street, which suffers from economic burdens and political concern due to ambiguity surrounding atmosphere,The deal of the century holds concerns and concerns increase with increasing ambiguity, and the Iraqi Syrian  airspace is not in the best conditions despite the relative improvement,The atmosphere of the Gulf is drenched with the victory of Yemen and the Gulf project in Syria has fallen to the limits of defeat, despite all the financial facilities and political concessions in the Palestinian file submitted by these capitals for its project in Syria.

Political concern in Jordan is a project and has thousands of pillars for its artery with blood arteries,But not because of a Jordanian self or because of the imbalance in the Jordanian treatment of the Palestinian file, the most pressing files on the Jordanian nerve - this is the origin - but because of the integration of Arab regimes from the Palestinian file to the extent of giving full daring to the American Zionist project,In order to be more extreme in the file of Jerusalem and the rest of the sensitive files and dare to transfer the embassy and celebrate the new embassy, ​​and everyone knows that Jordan alone stands today in the face of this draft intimidation and bear the arrogance of the American Zionist, he and the people of Palestine.

Jordanian concern is legitimate in light of the Arab conditions appropriate to the Zionist entity and the American administration to impose a hybrid settlement on the Palestinian issue,This is accompanied by an Arab decision to put pressure on Jordan economically and politically to turn its political machines into hybrid energy so as to accept all the proposed projects with limited Arab exemptions represented by the respected and respected Kuwaiti support and the modern Egyptian support for the Jordanian position in the Jerusalem issue.

Beyond that, Jordan and its leadership bear the power of a country with the potential of Jordan and its geopolitical conditions.Anxiety and political statements in the form of whispers are rejected. We have an active and open diplomacy on all international axes and we are no longer prisoners of a hub or a capital,There is a rational political behavior led by the king, which resulted in the avoidance of Jordan's northern border crisis and there is a diverse political movement to raise the cost of US solutions and increase the ability of Jordan to withstand and confront despite the weakness of its potential.

Translated by : Diana Hilal