طلبة التوجيهي يعبرون عن استيائهم من صعوبة امتحان الرياضيات كما توقعت "الأنباط" … الدغمي يعلن تنحيه عن الترشح للانتخابات النيابية المعايطة: لم يتدخل أحد او جهة بعمل "مستقلة الانتخاب".. والقانون يحصن الهيئة لضمان النزاهة برنامج تعزيز الانتاجية مفخرة وطنية، ولا بد من عودته من جديد السعودية تطلب من رعاياها مغادرة لبنان فورا الوحدات يتوج بطلا لكاس الاردن. وفاة والدة الملك محمد السادس الأمن يشتبك مع أحد أخطر تجّار ومهربي المخدرات ويصيبه .. وضبط 2 آخرين التربية توضح حول احد اسئلة امتحان الرياضيات اليوم السعودية تدين قرار الاحتلال توسيع عمليات الاستيطان المستقلة للانتخاب" تنشر قرارات الاعتراض الشخصي على جداول الناخبين الأولية والطعون القضائية تبدأ الأحد 13 شهيدا في قصف إسرائيلي على غزة مركزي "الميثاق الوطني": لا مزايدات على موقف الأردن تجاه القضية الفلسطينية المنظمة العربية للسياحة تبحث التعاون المشترك مع جمهورية فرنسا (ما مِتُ بعدُ من بعدِ موتي) النبر...الأوبرا شغفي المتأخر الذي أصبح هويتي أسرة جامعة عمان الاهلية تهنىء بالعيد الثلاثين لميلاد سمو ولي العهد مجموعة الحوراني الاستثمارية تهنئ بالعيد الثلاثين لميلاد سمو ولي العهد آل الديك وآل الجبالي نسب ومصاهرة القاضي طلب ومراد اعطى إبراهيم أبو حويله يكتب :لو توقفنا عند الحقيقة ...
News In English

A mother abandon her son in Aqaba 

الأنباط -

 Al Aqaba - AlAnbat - Talal Al Kabareti

A human rights activist from Aqaba, who asked not to be named, confirmed that a mother had given up her 13-year-old son in the place where she lived after having setbacks and decided to complete her life away from him after marrying another man.

The story of the family, which lives in a village belonging to al-Aqabah, began with the abandonment of his mother by raising a two-year-old son by court. After his father lost his mental abilities, he was saddened by the death of his father and by a severe depression that led him to madness.

She continued that the most prominent reasons for his mother's abandonment of her son that her second husband’s demand not to stay in his house . So she decided to send him to his grandma ( dad’s mom ) and she’s about 80 years old to stay at her home . 

She added that this mother obtained the court's legal decision to remove her son, after her intention to divorce her first husband and her decision to marry another man.

She explained according to the accounts that she heard that the son is fleeing several times from his grandmother's house , and seen the women passing in the streets and roads to find his mother who gave birth to him.

She pointed out that the child during his search for his mother was subjected to physical torture of the youth of the village, linking it to torture.

She added that a number of his relatives were able to send him to a disease of shelter in one of the provinces of the Kingdom, and managed to escape after being subjected to physical abuse, the son of 7 years and the effects appeared on the child, and the court opened an investigation in this regard.

She pointed out that many of the houses of relatives of the child rotated to embrace him, asserting that the shelter in each home of one of them did not exceed several days, and then returned to send to his grandmother,Adding that he kept running away from her house in several attempts to last for days to find his mother.



She drew  that every time his contacts find him they  return him to his grandmother, it shows the effects of beating, and clothes torn, and barefoot, and hungry.

She added that a woman of good people then offered a young man to pay the cost of marrying a girl in return for sheltering the child and After paying for his marriage, the child was expelled from his home.

The woman herself was offered a widow to pay for her marriage and After her marriage, the child and his clothes were thrown out of the house on the first day of Eid al-Fitr a few days ago.



The human rights activist said that the child returned to his grandmother several days ago, and is still subjected to physical violence and verbal passersby,After his attempts to escape from the house, and his grandmother's inability to control him, hoping to find his mother, who does not know that she gave up and decided to live away from him in response to her husband's request not to live between them.

The human rights activist said that the Development Directorate recently provided him with a monthly salary of 55 dinars, stressing that this amount is not worth, as much as the need for those who care and serve him . 

She pointed out that solving the problem of this child begins with the treatment of his father and push him out of the state of depression and insanity witnessed,Or send him to a care home that provides the child with his needs and guarantees that he will not be subjected to violence,and one of the good people ensures to shelter this child .

The human rights activist confirmed that she continued with many deputies, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives Atef Tarawneh to solve the problem of this child, but they gave up his help, or study the status of the solution.

She explained that the child is five years late for his mental age, explaining that the actual age of 13 years, mental 8 years.

She pointed out that one of his relatives revealed that the cause of mental retardation of the child, came after receiving a blow to the head from his uncle,The effects of the strike are still visible on his head, causing speech problems.



She said that the case of this child was the victim of ignorance in the region, the abuse of the people of his region to him, pointing out that they helped to delay his mental health,Adding that the child is literate and suffers from delayed speech.

Translated by Diana Hilal