وزارة الاستثمار: أبو ظبي التنموية ADQتؤسس الصندوق الاستثماري للبنية التحتية في الأردن وفد طلابي من نادي سيادة القانون في عمان الاهلية يزور مركز جمرك عمان الوطني لتطوير المناهج يشارك في المؤتمر الدولي الثالث لجائزة خليفة التربوية إخلاء عدة قرى في جزيرة مالوكو الإندونيسية جراء ثوران بركان شهداء وجرحى جراء قصف الاحتلال عدة مناطق في قطاع غزة المستشفى الميداني الأردني غزة /78 يجري عملية جراحية نوعية نادي الاتحاد يتصدر الأسبوع الأول لدوري المحترفات تخصيص 10600 تذكرة لمباراة الحسين اربد والفيصلي طقس دافئ في اغلب المناطق حتى الثلاثاء تحليل ميدانى يحمل صيغة ! الزياراتُ الملكيةُ … قصةُ حبٍ حقيقية" هل الذكور أذكى من الإناث في الرياضيات؟ دراسة تكشف نتائج مثيرة (الأعلى على الاطلاق ) اسعار الذهب محليا خماش طه ياسين: هدفي ايصال صوت العقبة وخدمة ابنائها هل التفاح يزيد الوزن؟ 7 أشياء تحميك من خطر الاكتئاب.. واظب عليها اكتشاف فيروسات ضخمة عمرها 1.5 مليار عام.. والعلماء يطمئنون اتفاقية تعاون بين البنك العربي وشركة كريم الأردن لتسهيل عمليات توزيع أرباح الكباتن بنك الإسكان الراعي الفضي لمؤتمر سنابل الإقليمي السادس عشر للتمويل الأصغر الترخيص المتنقل في الأزرق والرصيفة غدا

Badwan: Making adjustments to improve investment climate to attract Australian investments

الأنباط -

Al-Anbat- Zaina Al-Barbour 

Translated by Seham Qasem 

Jordan’s and Australia’s economic relations have not been the fledgling of the moment, but they have existed since time immemorial and these relations have been expanded through exchanges of high- level visits, including those of ministers and parliamentary delegations where both countries seek for a productive trade that has positive repercussions on them permanently.

With regard to the implications of these economic relations between the two countries, the Doctor  of Economic and Financial Sciences, Nemer Badwan, told "Al-Anbat" newspaper that one of the most important means and ways to strengthen economic relations between any two countries are mutual and satisfactory dialogues and visits of general benefit to both parties and in this spirit, Jordan and Australia discussed ways to strengthen Jordanian- Australian relations, as well as Jordan’s investment opportunities and advantages making it a destination for investors, such as laws regulating economic and investment work and its relations with the world’s nation through the signing of several free trade agreements and he pointed out that it offers Jordan’s product access to more than 2 billion consumers worldwide , in addition to the stability and calm that Jordan enjoyed it, thanks to the wise policy of Hashemite leadership and to Jordan’s highly developed and qualified human resources. 

He considered Jordan to be an investor attractive environment and Australian companies were interested in investing in Jordan especially in the industry, energy and information technology sectors. Therefore, Badwan explained that Jordan must take adjustments aimed at improving the investment climate and the business environment so as to facilitate attracting and injecting Australian investments in various areas within Jordan. In addition to raising Jordan’s production and export rates to achieve high returns and he added that this is helping Jordan’s economic growth to increase significantly and positively according to recent economic forecasts and is reducing the unemployment rate. 

He referred to the stability,  security and regional calm that Jordan enjoys, as well as the close friendship between Jordan and Australia for more than 100 years, pointing out that the volume of Australian investments in Jordan has recently reached nearly $4 million, distributed in the form of various economic partnerships and the economic activities and he also added that Australian investments can positively benefit entrepreneurs and investors through the Jordan Investment Environment Act and the various investment benefits and incentives which Act in Jordan offered. 

Badwan concluded that it is necessary to intensify meetings and visits between the two parties ,increase trade exchange and exchange information about the most important investment opportunities available in economic sectors of mutual interest, given Jordan’s security, political and monetary stability as well, which makes it a safe place and a destination for investments. 

It is worth mentioning that the President of the Jordanian Businessmen Association, Hamdi Al-Tabbaa, and members of the Board of Directors met during the past few days with an Australian delegation that visited the Kingdom, headed by Shawkat Maslamani, and they discussed ways of economic and investment cooperation between the two sides, and expanding horizons of commercial relations at the level of the private sector.

Al-Tabbaa stressed during the meeting that Jordan is always looking forward to attracting more investments at the international level, especially from Australia, by consolidating the distinguished relations that bind the private sectors of both countries, pointing out that the economic relations between the two countries witnessed remarkable development during the past years, and looks forward to further prosperity. And its reflection on the volume of trade and investment exchange.