مدينة السلط: عبق التاريخ الفرقة 103 في مواجهة التهريب: خطوات حاسمة لتأمين الحدود السورية اللبنانية الجامعة العربية تستنكر التصريحات الإسرائيلية بشأن السعودية رئيس النواب يلتقي السفير السديري ويؤكد أن أمن الأردن والسعودية كلٌ لا يتجزأ "المتقاعدين العسكريين" تسيّر رحلة عمرة لمنتسبيها العراق يدين التصريحات الإسرائيلية بشأن إقامة دولة فلسطينية على أراضي السعودية اتفاقية تعاون بين وزارة الزراعة وجامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا لتشغيل المستشفى البيطري "الحسين للسرطان" ينفرد بإنجازات نوعية في عام 2024 "مشتركة نيابية" تناقش معدل "الطيران المدني" رئيس جامعة الزرقاء يستقبل وفدًا من معهد الإعلام العسكري لتعزيز التعاون الأكاديمي رئيس هيئة الأركان المشتركة يستقبل السفيرة النرويجية مجلس الوزراء يقرِّر الموافقة على تأسيس شركة مساهمة عامَّة غير مُدرَجة لتطوير المُدن والمرافق الإكوادور تعقد انتخابات رئاسية بين 16 مرشحا إدارية الأعيان تقر مشروع قانون البناء الوطني الأردني المعدل الاحتلال ينسحب من محور نتساريم الفاصل بين غزة ووسط وجنوب القطاع الصين تقدم احتجاجات رسمية لبنما بشأن انسحابها من التعاون في مبادرة "الحزام والطريق" وزير العدل يبحث مع السفير الإيطالي أوجه التعاون المشترك تتقدم عشيرة آل تادرس بالتهنئة والتبريك لإبنهم الغالي المهندس ابراهيم هيثم تادرس بمناسبة فوزه بعضوية مجلس نقابة المهندسين الأردنيين - فرع البلقاء حالة الطقس المتوقعة لاربعة ايام مدير الأمن العام يزور قيادة أمن الدبلوماسي والدوائر

Armada Group Signs a Collaboration Agreement with Tkiyet Um Ali

Armada Group Signs a Collaboration Agreement with Tkiyet Um Ali
الأنباط -
الأنباط -

Amman, October 2020
Driven by its high sense of social responsibility, Armada Group, represented by its CEO, Iraqi businessman and investor Dr. Ahmed Al-Jibouri, signed a collaboration agreement with Tkiyet Um Ali - an NGO that is well-known for voluntary and charitable work - to support its ongoing programs and seasonal campaigns that aim to eradicate and combat hunger throughout the Kingdom.
The purpose of the one-year agreement came as an effort to empower underprivileged families that are endorsed by Tkiyet Um Ali, through providing food parcels containing food items that are sufficient for every family living under the rough conditions of poverty. Food parcels will be prepared and distributed according to public health standards, bearing in mind safety and sterilization procedures, all of which are aligned with the packaging specifications of Tkiyet Um Ali, to deliver the food parcels to the beneficiary families on a monthly basis.
The agreement was recently signed by Dr. Ahmed Al-Jibouri, CEO of Armada Group, and Mr. Samer Balkar, Director General of Tkiyet Um Ali, in a signing ceremony that took place at the Armada headquarters located in Wadi Saqra Street – Amman. The ceremony was attended by a number of senior officials from both parties, making it a valuable networking opportunity for both teams to communicate and exchange ideas that would enhance charitable work.
Dr. Ahmed Al-Jibouri, CEO of Armada Group, expressed his pleasure to have signed this agreement, stating: "We are proud to collaborate with Tkiyet Um Ali, as this cooperation is a great example of private-public partnership that aims to support the charitable work that these entities strive to achieve. Our initiative is driven by our sense of social responsibility and sincere commitment towards less fortunate communities, and we would love to lead by example as we believe it that everyone plays a vital role in helping to achieve justice and social balance.”

Dr. Al-Jibouri added: "This initiative comes as one of the humanitarian actions that we continuously offer, and we do not expect anything in return other than generating happiness within the individuals who are fighting against hunger. We are also participating in order to grant food security, equality and justice, especially during this difficult time due to the pandemic crisis. Unprecedented times as such place a heavy burden on people’s daily lives, especially those living below the poverty line, and we feel that it is the duty of us all to take part in this responsibility.”  

About Dr. Ahmed Al-Jibouri:
Dr. Ahmed Al-Jibouri is an Iraqi businessman and investor who comes with an extensive experience in the petroleum and oil & gas derivatives industry. He owns Armada Group for Oil Industries and Services and Commercial Agencies under which many industrial and commercial companies are specialized in the fields of manufacturing, supply and investment in various sectors such as chemicals, petrochemicals, electric power, renewable energy projects, oil and gas projects, and real estate investments in Iraq and Jordan. His interest in the development of the oil and energy sector motivates him to develop plans, policies and studies that promote the usage of oil & gas products in the utmost and most efficient way. He also signed several contracts belonging to more than twenty clients of the Iraqi Ministry of Oil and International Oil Companies (IOC's) operating in Iraq, and he successfully established and operated numerous offices in five countries globally. 

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