وزارة المياه والري تهنئ بعيد الإستقلال الثامن والسبعون العقبة تحتفل بعيد الإستقلال فوز الوحدات على العقبة والرمثا يودع الجليل الأردن يرحب بقرار محكمة العدل الدولية غير المسبوق موسيقات الأمن العام وفرسانها ومواطنون يرسمون اجمل اللوحات بمناسبة الاستقلال. مدير الأمن العام يفتتح البطولة العربية للمصارعة الحرة والرومانية الصفدي: نمضي بقيادة الملك بقوة وثبات في مسارات التحديث الشاملة مبادرة بعنوان" شماغ وكوفية" بالكرك عشيش يحقق فوزا أردنيا بمستهل مشواره في التصفيات العالمية للملاكمة التوثيق الملكي يعرض وثائق أرشيفية بمناسبة الاستقلال 78 عاما على استقلال الأردن.. مسيرة وطن مزدهر رئيس وأسرة جامعة البلقاء التطبيقية يهنئون جلالة الملك عبدالله الثاني ابن الحسين المعظم بعيد الاستقلال الثامن والسبعين في عيد الاستقلال..السلط التطور والحضارة الصحة العالمية": العالم يعاني من مشكلة تعايش نقص التغذية مع زيادة الوزن والسمنة احتفالية تكريمية بذكرى شاعر الأردن "عرار" في إربد روسيا: احتياطي الذهب والعملات الأجنبية عند أعلى مستوى في عامين محكمة العدل الدولية تأمر إسرائيل بوقف هجومها على رفح الامين العام والمنسق العام لمجموعة السلام العربي في بيت عزاء الرئيس الإيراني ابراهيم رئيسي في عمان . تحت عنوان "العاصمة" The Capital:افتتاح المؤتمر الدولي الأول للطب النفسي لشركة MS Pharma ارتفاع الرقم القياسي العام لأسعار أسهم بورصة عمان بنسبة 0.78 بالمئة في أسبوع
كتّاب الأنباط

A Great TV Leap

الأنباط -

Al-Anbat - Awni Frej
The sports channel in the TV broadcast all the matches of the current week of the football league .. It is a significant shift in the work of technical colleagues and employees in our leading institution ..If we know that the difficult conditions experienced by television from the weakness of technical capabilities .. compared to what we see from the miracles of the technical level in European and Arab games ..Is an achievement for our national television and a keen interest in providing service to its viewers, especially as the ball enthusiasts in the far away from home ..Many of them are prevented from following their teams' matches on television and find television as their only refuge in fulfilling their desires and longing for follow-up.

And here we must highlight the remarkable role played by colleagues in the sports department .. Those who are making great effort to keep pace with all sports events .. Local, Arab and international ..What drive them to work Is the desire to touch success in light of simple possibilities, including the potential of other colleagues in the brotherly countries Who find the support and attention to the availability of great technical and material potential .. What makes the superiority of their partner in every work and performance are facing him ...However, we find the title of the current stage in our sports programs on the grounds that the transfer of all matches is very difficult, a precedent never before in the history of television ... We criticize the performance of colleagues in many cases, especially commentators on league games ...And we enter in small details sometimes .. And do not realize that the person standing in front of the screen man is prone to error as we always ask him to touch the success and provide all that is useful and useful .. Under very difficult living conditions ..Despite the fact that the media, especially those who go out on the scenes constantly find a lot of appreciation and care in countries that value the value of the media ... and employees in it ... and employ its potential to provide all the ways of success so that his departure is fit and beautiful .. !! /Is a new qualitative leap coming .. At the level of sports television work ... We preached by the friend Dr. Majid Al-Adwan director of sports channel on television ..Who pointed out that there is a new work coming will touch the viewer's output soon related to the renewable programs and television transmission of matches according to the best techniques ..It is not only for us that we salute the efforts of all the workers in the sports channel and commend their performance, which we intend to live up to, and that we succeed in our success as we see from the specialized sports satellite channels.

Translated by : Diana Hilal