احذرها.. هذه العلامات تؤكد إصابتك بالجلطة الدماغية أسباب زيادة عدد ضربات القلب ماذا يحصل إذا نقعت الأرز لـ 4 ساعات ؟ فتى يقتل والديه ويحرق جثتيهما في البرازيل بنك الإسكان يطلق Iskan Young لعملائه من (7-17) عاماً أهل غزة يهنئون الاردنيين بعيد الاستقلال ال 78 78 على الاستقلال .. العقبة.. رؤية ملكية ثاقبة.. نمو وازدهار وتقدم الملك ينعم بأوسمة على مؤسسات وشخصيات وطنية بمناسبة عيد الاستقلال الثامن والسبعين التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي تطلق حملتها للترويج لمعرض الجامعات الأردنية في أبوظبي المفكر القطري محمد المسفر يهنئ المملكة قيادة وشعبا بمناسبة عيد الاستقلال الترخيص المتنقل في الأزرق غدًا هكذا هنأ الشيخ فيصل الصباح الاردن بعيد الاستقلال (فيديو) قطر تضيء أبرز أبراجها بالعلم الأردني احتفالا بعيد استقلال المملكة هيفاء وهبي تتصدر محركات البحث بإطلالاتها الساحرة في مهرجان كان السينمائي ولي العهد: مبارك للملكي الحسين إربد الحسين بطلا لدوري المحترفين. ثلاثون نائبا بريطانيا يحثون الحكومة على دعم مقترح الحكم الذاتي في الصحراء الشربيني : أعداد السعوديين القادمين إلى مصر في تزايد.. والتوقعات تشير إلى مليون سائح هذا العام فيلم (واحد من بيوت بيروت!) الملك يرعى حفل عيد الاستقلال الثامن والسبعين

Careem mobile app expands to Madaba, Salt

الأنباط -

AMMAN — The ride-hailing app Careem recently announced the expansion of its services to the towns of Madaba and Salt, drawing mixed reactions from the public.

The mobile app, which used to operate exclusively in Amman, also recently started expanding its operations in Zarqa, Irbid and Fuheis.

The transportation company said that the move will create over 25,000 new job opportunities, a statement that was well-received by many job-hunting citizens.

Ahmed Bahbouh, a mechanical-engineer, told The Jordan Times that Careem “saved him” when he was fired from his job only two months before his wedding. 

“I had overflowing bills to pay but no source of income, and working with Careem helped me pay for those bills and even make more than my work as an engineer,” he said.

For undergraduates, who said they turned to becoming Careem captains when they needed to earn extra money for allowance and college tuition fees, the expansion was also welcome news.

A PSUT student, Ahmed Halabi, told The Jordan Times: “It’s the easiest thing to do, especially when you already have a car. I can make money out of driving, which is something I used to do for free!” 

Mahmoud Al Fayez, a resident of Madaba, also called the expansion “great”, as he said that he always felt “Amman was always favoured for business and job opportunities”.

However, some people voiced their opposition to the expansion and the idea of ride-hailing apps in general, citing the consequences that taxis will face in those areas.

Ever since the appearance of Careem, Uber and other similar ride-hailing apps, taxi drivers have held protests and demanded the prohibition of such mobile applications, claiming that they “put them out of business”.

“The business of taxis in Amman was seriously hurt when Careem and other companies were licensed. We hope it will take some time before they make it here,” Abu Mohammed, a pick-up driver from Jerash, told The Jordan Times.

Hassan Abu Taha, who works as a taxi driver in Amman, stated “soon we will all be put out of business, it’s just a matter of time”.