طلبة التوجيهي يعبرون عن استيائهم من صعوبة امتحان الرياضيات كما توقعت "الأنباط" … الدغمي يعلن تنحيه عن الترشح للانتخابات النيابية المعايطة: لم يتدخل أحد او جهة بعمل "مستقلة الانتخاب".. والقانون يحصن الهيئة لضمان النزاهة برنامج تعزيز الانتاجية مفخرة وطنية، ولا بد من عودته من جديد السعودية تطلب من رعاياها مغادرة لبنان فورا الوحدات يتوج بطلا لكاس الاردن. وفاة والدة الملك محمد السادس الأمن يشتبك مع أحد أخطر تجّار ومهربي المخدرات ويصيبه .. وضبط 2 آخرين التربية توضح حول احد اسئلة امتحان الرياضيات اليوم السعودية تدين قرار الاحتلال توسيع عمليات الاستيطان المستقلة للانتخاب" تنشر قرارات الاعتراض الشخصي على جداول الناخبين الأولية والطعون القضائية تبدأ الأحد 13 شهيدا في قصف إسرائيلي على غزة مركزي "الميثاق الوطني": لا مزايدات على موقف الأردن تجاه القضية الفلسطينية المنظمة العربية للسياحة تبحث التعاون المشترك مع جمهورية فرنسا (ما مِتُ بعدُ من بعدِ موتي) النبر...الأوبرا شغفي المتأخر الذي أصبح هويتي أسرة جامعة عمان الاهلية تهنىء بالعيد الثلاثين لميلاد سمو ولي العهد مجموعة الحوراني الاستثمارية تهنئ بالعيد الثلاثين لميلاد سمو ولي العهد آل الديك وآل الجبالي نسب ومصاهرة القاضي طلب ومراد اعطى إبراهيم أبو حويله يكتب :لو توقفنا عند الحقيقة ...
News In English

Poison toxins in virtual world

الأنباط -

 ‏Hussein al-Jaghbir

‏There seems to be an abnormal insistence by some social networking users and activists on misuse of this platform by poisoning toxins  towards others, indifferent to the moral approach of humanity, and unaware of the extent of their legal responsibility under laws to prevent abuse.

‏While these sites are considered  for expressing opinions freely and a means of communication with others, some have used them to spread rumors and lies, whether image or word or video, the greater the audacity of these people to trade news and information far from accurate, And harm others frequently .

‏In fact, it is impossible to understand the goals behind this illegal trend, although its main theme is that there are efforts to stir up public opinion. This requires increasing the control and accountability of those who are trying to challenge others.

‏The figures released by the Public Security Directorate recently indicate that the phenomenon is large. Since the beginning of this year, 1158 cases have been registered with electronic crime, which were divided between 365 cases on  impersonate , 310 cases on threat, blackmail, libel , 120 cases of electronic fraud, Data.

‏The most surprising thing is that the awareness of many citizens at the minimum limits, when they provide ande transfer of such toxins without making a search if that true, or to identify the source, and cases recorded during the last few days, although the most prominent rumors that affected the daughter of the Speaker of the Parliament  Atef Tarawneh, about buying his daughter a car, in which he promised Tarawneh to resort to the law to hold accountable those who were behind it.

‏This rumor has also been preceded by incorrect information about the head of the new Royal Court and a minister in the government of Al-Razzaz who claimed that he is married to the daughter of former head of the Royal Court Fayez Tarawneh.

‏The land of the "Facebook" is fertile rumors that kill personal, and unfortunately filled the locusts on this land and came on all green, which means that the circle expands, and accounting "bad guys" a must.

‏There is no law in the world, or creation, or heavenly legislation, that allows anyone to touch this life from afar or near, through the fabrication of pictures, videos and news that do not exist in reality. It is a shame that these platforms become An unethical battlefield, aimed at the personal interests of people who are sick and obsessed.

‏The phenomenon of the spread of poisons sweeping the virtual world requires from the evening for them not to hesitate to resort to the law, and not to waive their rights, even if it’s  considered with men of understands

Translated by :Dana Al-Shoubaki