"العبدلي" يستعد لاستضافة "صوت بلادي".. رحلة فنية بين الماضي والحاضر صندوق الحسين للإبداع والتفوق الراعي البلاتيني لجائزة الحسين لأبحاث السرطان التوثيق الملكي يعرض وثيقة بذكرى تولي الملك طلال سلطاته الدستورية الأردن يشارك في الاجتماع الثاني لمناقشة إنشاء سوق كهرباء عربية مشتركة 839 طن خضار وفواكه ترد للسوق المركزي في اربد اليوم المنتخب الوطني يلتقي نظيره الكويتي غدا إصابة شخصين بقصف وغارات إسرائيلية على جنوب لبنان 5 شهداء جراء قصف الاحتلال في غزة الحنيفات :- موسم الزيتون لهذا العام مبشر وانطلاق الموسم ب15 تشرين اول القادم انطلاق فعاليات الدورة الـ13 للمنتدى الدولي للاتصال الحكومي في الشارقة استقرار البطالة عند 21.4%... الأرقام تشير لبداية تحقيق رؤية التحديث الاقتصادي النفط يواصل خسائره وسط مخاوف حول تباطؤ الطلب العالمي استقرار أسعار الذهب عالميا عند 2493.34 دولار للأوقية منتخب الناشئين لكرة السلة يواجه اندونيسيا ضمن بطولة آسيا العراق يدين تصريحات إسرائيل التي تستهدف عرقلة جهود وقف النار في غزة مشاركة نوعية لمديرية الأمن العام في سوفكس 2024 يوسف العيسوي نموذج في روحية العطاء الاقصائيون العلاقات الأردنية العراقية كالماء والهواء "ساندويشة زيادة"... مبادرة اجتماعية تُغذِّي الأرواح قبل الأجساد

Orange Jordan Kicks Off its Largest Participation in SOFEX 2024

Orange Jordan Kicks Off its Largest Participation in SOFEX 2024
الأنباط -
Orange Jordan sponsored the 14th Special Operations Forces Exhibition and Conference SOFEX 2024, as the exclusive telecommunications partner. The biennial event, held under the patronage of His Majesty King Abdullah II bin Al Hussein, kicked off at the Aqaba International Exhibition & Convention Centre (AIECC) and will last until 5 September.
Orange and SOFEX renewed their strategic partnership, and the agreement was signed by the Vice President of the ‘SOFEX’ board of directors, Brigadier General Eng. Ayman Ahmad Al-Batran and the CEO of Orange Jordan Philippe Mansour in the presence of members of the Executive Committee.
In a continuation of the extended partnership between both parties, Orange Jordan provided SOFEX 2024 with full-fledged telecommunications solutions and services, including 5G for mobile, and Wi-Fi network services for the event’s activities and visitors, to enhance their experience that is geared toward delving deeper into the world of defense technology.

Orange’s participation was also represented in a booth that served as an engaging space with visitors and companies to showcase a wide range of state-of-the-art defense technology products and services. The company offers a set of security solutions based on its advanced digital infrastructure, and unprecedented speeds in the local market.

Commenting on this step, the Vice President of the ‘SOFEX’ board of directors, Brigadier General Eng. Ayman Ahmad Al-Batran pointed out the significance of Orange Jordan's contribution to elevating telecommunications sector in Jordan, given its role in providing the latest technological solutions aligned with global trends to the Jordanian market. He also extended his gratitude to Orange for supporting SOFEX as a strategic partner over the past years, based on its belief that defense technology solutions are an integral part of the overall technological scene, especially in light of its rapid developments that are reshaping the landscape in recent years.
The CEO of Orange Jordan, Philippe Mansour, emphasized that SOFEX represents another milestone in the strategic 20 years of extended partnership with the Jordanian Armed Forces and Security agencies; a partnership that Orange highly values and forms a source of pride for the company. Moreover, it aligns with the company's keenness to be part of the important national events that place Jordan as a regional technology hub. In this context, supporting SOFEX which is the largest of its kind in the world and the one of its kind in the Middle East, contributes to the efforts aimed at raising awareness on the defense technology, which is gaining momentum every day.

From his side, the Deputy CEO and the Chief Enterprise Officer at Orange Jordan, Eng. Sami Smeirat stressed that sponsoring SOFEX, which has become a national milestone in the field of defense technology solutions, is part of Orange's continuous endeavors to support the values mirrored in this event, that represents an added value for companies and the business sector. To align with this, Orange provided exceptional experiences that comply with international standards for attendees and visitors.
SOFEX formed an opportunity to showcase Orange's digital innovations that have been developed as part of its CSR programs, which are being implemented under the umbrella of Orange Digital Centers (ODC). In this context, the company displayed the "MARS-JO Rover" device that has been built and manufactured in the Fabrication Labs for educational purposes.
Startup companies supported by Orange had the chance to interact with the visitors, including the Manara Research and Development company, which is part of Orange’s Accelerator in Zarqa. Manara, specialized in manufacturing custom-made electronic devices and solutions showcased its innovations. Companies included as well, Orange’s Partner Trismart International Trading, which is one of the most prominent providers of protective devices in Jordan.
For more information, please visit our website: www.orange.jo.
© جميع الحقوق محفوظة صحيفة الأنباط 2024
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