المها عيــــسى قراقـــع يكتب:الكتابة بين الجثث – قُبلة على جبين غزة في الذكرى ال 76 للنكبة الملك يستقبل وزير الدفاع السنغافوري انباء متضاربة عن مصير الرئيس الإيراني بعد حادث لمروحيته المستقلّة للانتخاب تُشرف على ورشة العمل الثالثة لتعزيز قُدُرات الأحزاب السياسية في إدارة الحملات الانتخابيّة قرارات مجلس الوزراء رغم التحذيرات، الدفاع المدني يستجيب لـ43 حادث غرق نجم عنها 19 وفاة الحسيني يرعى برنامج المحاكمات الصورية الأمم المتحدة: المعبر البحري ليس بديلا للممرات البرية في غزة الخريشة يدعو إلى الإنتخاب على أسس برامجية وليس شخصية الخريشة يدعو إلى الإنتخاب على أسس برامجية وليس شخصية المستشفى الميداني الأردني نابلس2 يجري العديد من العمليات 68 قتيلا ضحايا الفيضانات بأفغانستان "المدن والقرى" والمعهد العالمي للنمو الأخضر ينظمان ورشة عمل جنوب إفريقيا: ما يحدث في فلسطين فصل عنصري الاحتلال يرتكب مجازر في غزة تسفر عن 70 شهيدا و110 إصابات استشهاد فلسطيني برصاص الاحتلال شرقي القدس القوات المسلحة تنفذ 3 إنزالات جوية لمساعدات على جنوبي غزة السفارة الصينية في عمان تقييم ندوة الصداقة الصينية الأردنية الابتكار الرقمي في قطاع الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات مسيرة من أجل التنمية المستدامة

Guarantee Fund organize governance forum about impact of the monetary policy of Central Bank

الأنباط -

Alanbat - Ayah Awwad

 The Social Security Investment Fund organized on Saturday, the work of the Fifth Corporate Governance Forum for representatives of the Social Security Corporation in the corporate boards, entitled "The Monetary Policy of the Central Bank of Jordan and its Impact on the Jordanian Economy and on the Financial Positions of Companies,” in order to enhance the representatives’ experiences and inform them of the latest economic and financial developments that  It affects the business and investment environment and the economy in general.

The fund said in a press release that holding these periodic forums comes to keep pace with international best practices in corporate governance and rational management, and to employ the outcomes of the forums in the process of continuous development of the governance system.

Also these forums aim to enhance the importance of the role that representatives play in corporate boards of directors by participating in formulating policies and developing strategies that enable companies to strengthen their financial positions, increase the efficiency of their various activities and enable them to respond quickly to crises, and the impact of this in enhancing the value of social security investments in those companies.

During the first session of the forum, the most prominent features of the monetary policy pursued by the Central Bank and its impact on various economic sectors, and the measures it takes to maintain monetary stability in order to enhance the appropriate investment environment to stimulate economic growth, including those that were taken during the Corona pandemic, were highlighted.

The second session dealt with the impact of monetary policy and raising interest rates on the financial position of companies, how to manage their assets and liabilities, and the ability of companies to effectively and efficiently manage liquidity and access appropriate financing to meet their operational needs and business growth opportunities.  In 2019, the Fund issued a guiding guide for representatives on corporate boards that organizes the process of social security representation on boards of directors, in addition to issuing an updated version of the guide in 2021, which included a development on the system of instructions and foundations for representation.

It was recently announced that the fund's assets grew by about 8 percent since the beginning of the year, to reach 13.32 billion dinars as on 30/6/2022, compared to about 12.34 billion dinars at the end of last year, with a rate of return on assets of 8.4%.