الخارجية: استلام جثماني المواطنين الاردنيين عامر قواس وحسام ابو غزالة فيتامين سي بجرعة عالية يطيل بقاء مرضى السرطان أغنى 10 شركات سلاح والخدمات العسكرية من حيث الايرادات "النواب" يواصل مناقشة البيان الوزاري لليوم الثاني بلدية المزار.. الصرف الصحي والبطالة والكسارات تحديات بحاجة لحلول الأمراض النفسية.. الخوف وثقافة العيب عائق ل العلاج وسبب تفاقم الحالة "العقبة الخاصة" و"جرش" يعلنان عن إنطلاق فعاليات مهرجان "أمواج العقبة 2025" 200 الف مصاب بالأردن.. الاكتئاب الموسمي.. الأسباب والعلاج مناقشات البيان الوزاري: نصوص نيابية مزخرفة بلا مضمون ماذا لو رضخنا للضغوطات؟ اكتشاف مذهل.. الأرق يأتي من هذه المنطقة في جذع المخ سيدة تتعرض لعملية احتيال عبر واتساب وتخسر كل مدخراتها منتخب كرة الطائرة الشاطئية يظفر بالفضية ببطولة غرب آسيا وزارة الزراعة تستبعد زيت غير صالح للاستهلاك البشري وتحولة للغذاء والدواء الملك عبدالله الثاني.. الأولوية للمتقاعدين العسكريين والمحاربين القدامى (7) مؤتمر التعدين الاردني الدولي العاشر ينطلق السبت المقبل الكعابنة يهنئ نسيبه بندر الربابعة بمناسبة قراءة فاتحته مجلس محافظة الكرك يناقش أولويات مشاريع قطاع الأشغال افتتاح معرض "تجلي" للتشكيلية هند ناصر افتتاح معرض الطفل في تربية لواء قصبة المفرق

Chinese gyms resort to livestreaming workouts as virus keeps members away

Chinese gyms resort to livestreaming workouts as virus keeps members away
الأنباط -

"Stand in front of a chair. Chest up, core tight and square your pelvis,” said Heidi Liu, a pilates instructor at a studio in Shanghai, as she demonstrated a series of poses and stretches.

But there were no students in the classroom at the Pilates ProWorks studio located in the middle of a central district in Shanghai. Instead, Liu was livestreaming using an iPad, broadcasting to hundreds of people working out with her at home.


Liu Xiaojin, sets a phone as she gets ready to livestream a gym class, as the country is hit by an outbreak of the new coronavirus, in Beijing. (Reuters)

Gyms and restaurants are mostly deserted as millions of Chinese choose to or are forced to stay away from public spaces because of the coronavirus epidemic.

While authorities have pledged to offer various support mechanism to virus-hit firms, business owners are scrambling for ways to tide their businesses over or keep busy until policies materialize or customers start venturing back.

Livestreaming has been one of the biggest trends to hit China’s exercise sector in recent weeks, with gyms going online to help keep residents fit, including people who have been stuck indoors for up for 14-day-long quarantines.

"We don’t want our clients to forget us. And if we are not doing anything, some might be afraid that we were already gone. We are trying to do something to comfort everyone,” said Chris Li, Pilates Proworks’ owner.

The majority of these classes are being offered for free, getting many eyeballs - Liu’s 20-minute class received over 4,700 likes - but no income, gym owners say.

"I’m not planning on stealing new clients, I just want to protect my existing customers,” said Liu Xiaojin, the founder of a chain of gyms called Gravity Plus in Beijing, which also started online classes 10 days ago and is renting out gym equipment to make some extra cash.


Liu Xiaojin, sets a phone as she gets ready to livestream a gym class, as the country is hit by an outbreak of the new coronavirus, in Beijing. (Reuters)

"But of course if we can find a real way to stimulate our cash flow that will be great as well.”

Still, gym owners told Reuters that while they started livestreaming as it was a popular thing to do, few had expected that the suspension of business was going to last as long as it has, currently at over three weeks. Many are now bracing that it will continue to the end of the month.

"Every day is a challenge. I am thinking to myself if the situation will improve in March; if I should continue to stay in Shanghai, or end the business and leave the city with my cat,” said Li of Pilates ProWorks.

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