كيف يمكن لنتنياهو الالتفاف على قرار "الجنائية الدولية"؟ خبراء يجيبون ‏‏المدير الفني لنادي العقبة يستقيل من تدريب الفريق بنك المعرفة المصري ،، دعوة لإنشاء بنك معرفة أردني مماثل الإيسيسكو تدعو لحماية التراث اللبناني من التدمير جراء العدوان الإسرائيلي منتخب الكراتيه يتصدر مجموعته ببطولة العالم آلاف المستوطنين بينهم بن غفير يقتحمون الحرم الإبراهيمي صحة غزة تحذر من توقف المستشفيات عن العمل خلال (48) ساعة بسبب نفاد الوقود هل الجزية تنطبق على العرب المسيحيين؟ الصفدي: يحق لنا التباهي بحكمنا الهاشمي ونفخر بدفاع الملك عن غزة الخطوط القطرية تخفض أسعار رحلاتها بين عمان والدوحة مندوبا عن الملك وولي العهد.. العيسوي يعزي عشيرة النعيمات الرئيس الصيني في زيارة قصيرة للمغرب المغرب: تفكيك خلية إرهابية موالية لداعش بالساحل مدير إدارة الأرصاد الجوية: كتلة هوائية باردة جدا تؤثر على المملكة وانخفاض ملموس في درجات الحرارة انطلاق تصفيات بطولة القائد الشتوية لأندية المعلمين في كرة القدم انهيار مبنيين بالكامل بغارتين إسرائيليتين على الشياح جنوب بيروت بيروت: تجدد الغارات على الضاحية الجنوبية بعد تهديدات بالإخلاء العراق يطلب دورة غير عادية لجامعة الدول العربية بعد التهديدات الإسرائيلية الاحتلال يستهدف مستشفى كمال عدوان شمال قطاع غزة وفاة الفنان المصري عادل الفار بعد صراع مع المرض

Here is Jordan , here is security made by men

Here is Jordan , here is security made by men
الأنباط -

Johina News  - Hussien Jaghabeer Since we grew up , we have been live proud and proud that we have an intelligence apparatus outwit its counterparts from all over the world because of its professionalism in dealing with varieties files . That compass has been made from every country towards the security performance of the Jordanian security services. Day after day , in every accident that tries to undermine the security and stability of the Kingdom, these devices proved to us that they are shining and have a bright eyes in the sky of Jordan. Their goals are to protect their lands and their civilizations . Tomorrow they will have morr security and more stable , Trustworthy. When terror hands  spread to the gendarmerie patrol in “Fuhies” the security sense was in the highest degrees , when they realized that this operation from terrorism against Jordan , so that the hordes of our forces were based on a superior intelligence apparatus . The focus was on terrorism in the time that exception was in the high level , silently and slowly , the confirmation was against the tails of extremism in the city of the Salt. Within hours only, the finger on the trigger . Through the general intelligence Service , worked together with the various security services , where all threads were broken to cause this stray group, to do so professionally . This craft, which is monitored by all capitals of the world capitals and its organs, which examines how the intelligence deal with the incident, especially as this device was able to reach the house of the Holocaust by terrorists, to surprise them, and be with their weapons face to face with this stinking group, They went through the country with pure blood, and the winds of jasmine rushed to hug the dust of the Jordan from one side to the other. The speed of information acquisition, the speed of implementation, the speed of the task, the ability to camouflage the media and the security before the attack, all of which did not come out of the vacuum, but the men's efforts were undoubtedly linked to planning day and night without the rest of the rest that they would derive only from terrorism and its subordinates and aides. The victory achieved by the security services not only in the elimination of this extremist cell, but also in its success in preventing other terrorist operations, Our people, the people who realize that he lived and will remain in his security and safety and tranquility, as long as there is a "Nashama" guarding the homeland, and derives their determination and strength from their leader, "These soldiers, our children, and the sons of the dust of our homeland have been overcome by manhood, Reluctant to carry their weapons, and fight anyone who poses himself to think about tampering with them. " In that part of the land that is proud of its steadfastness in the face of all the crises that have gone through over the past decades. " These Jordanians, who shout loudly, "Here is Jordan, here are the men of Abu Hussein."

Translated by: Dana Al-Shoubaki 


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