تأثير شرب فنجان من القهوة على قلبك ودماغك اكتشاف عيب وراثي يسبب زيادة الوزن اكتشاف جديد يبشر بعلاج الشلل تطبيق يحوّل الصراخ على الهاتف إلى كلام هادئ الملك يعود إلى أرض الوطن “ريفلِكت"يواصل تعزيز المزايا والخدمات المقدمة لعملائه العراق يُفتتح معرضًا لنفائس المخطوطات ويُعرض أندر المصاحف في العالم صحفي واعي ... مش "سحيج" الترخيص المتنقل في الأزرق والرصيفة غدا الاتحاد الأوروبي يدين قصف مكتب الصليب الأحمر شهيدان في غارة على البقاع الغربي اللبناني الأمير فيصل يرعى حفل افتتاح بطولة آسيا للمصارعة للناشئين الأردن يدين استهداف إسرائيل محيط مكتب الصليب الأحمر بغزة نوح علي سليم القضاه ابو رزق في ذمة الله مصر تسحب تراخيص 16 شركة سياحية على خلفية وفاة حجاج مصريين مخالفين اتحاد الكرة يقدر مسيرة المدرب عموتة بعد استقالة عموتة.. سلامي مدربا للنشامى الصين تطلق قمرا صناعيا فلكيا جديدا تم تطويره بالتعاون مع فرنسا رئيس الديوان الملكي يتلقي وفدا من وجهاء العقاربة ووفدا شبابيا من إربد الأردن يقظ ... وسيبقى واحة أمان !

Closing ceremony of the circular economy incubator project

الأنباط -
On behalf of H.E the Minister of Agriculture, Engineer Khaled Al Hanifat, the Director General of the National Agricultural Research Center NARC, Dr. Nizar Haddad, sponsored the closing ceremony of the #Circular #Economy Incubator Project. This project is funded by the ISSFJO - Innovative Startups and SMEs Fund and implemented by Advance Consulting Company in collaboration with the Organic Fertilizers Association for Ecosystems, and in a strategic partnership with NARC

Various national and international donor organizations attended supporting and encouraging #startups to continue innovating in the field of circular economy agriculture.It is worth noting that the CEI project was the first to provide a package of services to 60 startup companies. More than 300 people were given job opportunities (160 part-time employees + 140 full-time employees) as a result of the training and specialized guidance given in several areas, such as creating a business plan, marketing plan, market assessment, budget preparation, business model development, and networking between donors and startup companies to advance the projects of participating startups.
Dr. Haddad emphasized in his speech that the business incubator at the NARC has supported 30 startups, networking them with national institutions to open export markets for them. He conveyed his appreciation to all those who helped the startups succeed by providing the necessary resources, and making these achievements possible.

Eng. Lamia Dabbas, the Regional Director of Advance Consulting, underscored of circular economy. She highlighted the need to propose economically viable and sustainable entrepreneurial ideas that involve women. and emphasized the significance of these startups' ongoing development with support from pertinent parties and stakeholders after the project's conclusion. She complimented the Agricultural Credit Corporation for providing soft loans and the Jordan Cooperative cooperation for their support to establish specialized cooperatives.

Rose Al-Qatatsheh, Project Manager, emphasized the importance of leveraging all resources to achieve sustainable goals. She highlighted that true sustainability, a key concept of the circular economy, is driven by persistence and continuous contribution, including fostering strong social relationships.

Eng. Mohammad Al-Muhtaseb, the CEO of the Innovative Startups and SMEs Fund (ISSF),added "We are proud of our partnership with OFES and their implementing partners, Advanced Consulting and NARC.This partnership was funded by the ISSF through grant-structured financial tools for incubators that are designed to stimulate deal flow and ensure successful startup development throughout every stage of the entrepreneurial journey. The verticals of food security, agritech, and circular economy are highly strategic and vital to nations, and we have to invest actively in these important sectors for comprehensive economic development in our beloved