الفايز : سوفكس يشكل فرصة للدول والشركات العارضة للاطلاع على تجارب نظرائهم من الدول الأخرى وزير الخارجية يحذر في لقاء مع نظيرته الألمانية من تبعات الحرب الإسرائيلية على غزة بلدية اربد: مليون وثلاثة وتسعين الف دينار لأعمال تعبيد جديدة مؤسسة مينتور العربية ومؤسسة ولي العهد تختتمان برنامج الإلهام المهني سلطان بن أحمد القاسمي يكرم الفائزين بجائزة الشارقة للاتصال الحكومي في دورتها الـ11 الحاجة نوال ابو الرب في ذمة الله ماكرون يكلف بارنييه تشكيل الحكومة الفرنسية الجديدة قطاع السفر يسهم برفع الناتج المحلي العالمي 12.1% مندوبا عن الملك وولي العهد.... العيسوي يعزي عشيرة الغزو وآل قناش سلطان بن أحمد القاسمي يكرم الفائزين بجائزة الشارقة للاتصال الحكومي في دورتها الـ 11 البنك المركزي الأردني يُخرج الدفعة الأولى من المشاركين في المعسكر التدريبي للأمن السّيبراني العجلوني يكرم الفريق الفائز في النسخة الثانية من برنامج " Future founders " في البلقاء التطبيقية عامر المجالي.. مبارك التخرج صندوق الامان لمستقبل الأيتام يحرز المركز الاول في جائزة الشارقة للاتصال الحكومي جيدكو تحصل على المركز الثاني لجائزة الشارقة الهيئة الخيرية الأردنية: توسعة رقعة المساعدات الإنسانية المرسلة لقطاع غزة الإمارات: بدء التشغيل التجاري لرابع محطات براكة النووية 17 شهيدا و56 جريحا في غزة خلال 24 ساعة منتخب الناشئين لكرة القدم يلتقي نظيره العراقي ببطولة غرب آسيا غدا "الأوقاف" تكرّم 30 حافظا وحافظة للقرآن الكريم في الرصيفة

Ayla Raises the Environmental “Blue Flag” for the Sixth Consecutive Year

Ayla Raises the Environmental “Blue Flag” for the Sixth Consecutive Year
الأنباط -
Under the patronage of Minster Nayef Al Fayez, Chief Commissioner of the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority, and with the presence Secretary General of the Royal Marine Conservation Society Mr. Khaled Al-Kurdi and the national committee, the Environmental "Blue Flag” was raised in 3 locations within Ayla.
The environmental "Blue Flag” was raised at B12 Beach Club, La Plage Beach at the Hyatt Regency Hotel and the Ayla Marina following tours carried out by a national committee that recognized Ayla’s eligibility to obtain the International Certificate (Blue Flag) and its compliance with international environmental standards.
Ayla's achievement in obtaining and renewing environmental certifications for the sixth consecutive year reflects its commitment to environmental and public health regulations. Ayla sets an exemplary standard in providing sustainable tourism products, as evident in its continuous efforts to adhere to regulations concerning water quality, public safety and services, environmental information and education, and environmental management.
Ayla’s Managing Director, Sahl Dudin expressed his happiness with this achievement, which confirms Ayla’s commitment to implementing all criteria of the program because of its belief in the importance of obtaining this environmental mark, a commitment to sustainability and preserving natural resources while maintaining the health and safety of visitors and the information it provides them and the local community.
The Blue Flag program is one of the environmental education programs of the Foundation for Environmental Education, represented in Jordan by the Royal Marine Conservation Society for the Protection of Marine Environment. It grants beaches and participating boat parks this certificate to achieve high standards in the four categories of water quality, environmental management, environmental education, and safety.
Dudin stressed that since its establishment, Ayla has sought to be one of the best tourist sites, committed to the sustainability of natural resources and in the application of the Sustainable Development Goals as well as the protection of diverse environmental ecosystems. Thus, Ayla is one of the first regional projects of the multi-purpose walled tourist community categories that raise the Blue Flag at a number of their facilities.
The Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan is the national operator of the Blue Flag Program, working alongside the National Committee, which includes the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (Directorate of Environment, Directorate of Tourism and Ibn Hayyan Laboratories), Health Directorate, Aqaba Tourism Directorate, Aqaba Development Company and the Royal Navy.
In turn, Alia Qatawneh , the representative of the Royal Society for the Royal Marine Conservation Society, appreciated Ayla's adherence to environmental standards and its dedication to implementing and promoting them among its employees and visitors. It is worth noting that the Blue Flag, which is specific to beaches, is one of the oldest environmental certifications in the world.
Qatawneh confirmed that raising the Blue Flag in three locations within Ayla will contribute to promoting Jordan as a tourist destination. Ayla prioritizes achieving the concept of sustainable development, preserving biodiversity, and reducing the impacts of climate change.
© جميع الحقوق محفوظة صحيفة الأنباط 2024
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