اختتام فعاليات معرض الطيران الدولي Air Tattoo تكاملية الأحزاب والعشائر الأردنية لترسيخ النهج الديموقراطي. مدير عام " الشؤون الفلسطينية " يفتتح نادي الروبتكس في مخيم البقعة وهم القيد . مدير الأمن العام يزور فريق البحث والإنقاذ الدولي، والمركز الإقليمي للحماية المدنية 37 شهيدا و120 جريحا في مجازر بخانيونس بورصة عمان تغلق تداولاتها على انخفاض طعن مستوطنين قرب مستوطنة "سديروت" في غلاف غزة الاحتلال يهدم منزلين بقرية "الولجة" في الضفة الغربية الشمالي: الحكومة عززت مشاركة المرأة الأردنية الاقتصادية والسياسية والاجتماعية الأعلى للسكان يطلق ورقتي سياسات حول الولادات القيصرية والمنشطات اليونيسف: 250% زيادة في عدد الأطفال الشهداء بالضفة منذ 7 تشرين الأول شركة المناشركة المناصير للباطون الجاهز تحصل على جائزة الضمان الاجتماعي للتميز في الصحة والسلامة المهنية لدورة 2022/2023 تسليم مساكن مجهزة بالكامل لـ 13 أسرة بجرش ضمن المبادرة الملكية لإسكان الأسر العفيفة 796 طن خضار وفواكه ترد للسوق المركزي في اربد شهداء وجرحى جراء القصف الإسرائيلي المستمر على غزة الديموقراطيون يجمعون أكبر قدر من التبرعات في 2024 بعد ترشح هاريس للرئاسة سعر الذهب يرتفع 0.2 بالمئة في التعاملات الفورية الاتحاد يتصدر دوري المحترفات لكرة القدم الصين تحث الحكومات المحلية على الاستجابة الطارئة لمواجهة إعصار برابيرون
News In English

-First Arabic Mobile App for Augmented Reality A.R.E.A launches its new app WININ in 12 Arab countries

الأنباط -

Amman - Jordan 30/08/2020:  A.R.E.A, an international mobile application development company founded in Jordan in 2019 specialized in developing advanced mobile apps, has announced the launch of its first application: WININ. A.R.E.A aims to build and launch the largest number of mobile apps in order to become the biggest platform able to provide its clients with the latest programming, development, and marketing techniques for their services and products. All of this with the help of technology and an outstanding team of experts.

The WININ application allows the user the opportunity to win special prizes by downloading the application and selecting the desired brand. WININ has wide variety of more than 30 brands, such as Noon, Careem, Talabat, Shoe Mart, Max, Home Center, Lifestyle, Babyshop, Let's Tango, Jarir Bookstore, Dumyah, Jamalon, PlayStation and others. Once the user/player chooses the brand, the application’s system quickly scans the area around them for prizes. The player must then go to the location of these prizes and capture them via the phone camera. Merging the technology of augmented reality within the player’s phone camera; the player will be able to see the prizes before their eyes as if they’re actually around them.

On this occasion, the CEO of A.R.E.A Mrs. Dabia Ebbini, has expressed her excitement launching A.R.E.A. She said: "I am extremely optimistic about the new application and the levels of success it will achieve. I strongly believe it will create a unique environment that will provide new advertising opportunities for many brands while granting its users special prizes.”

The idea of WININ has stemmed from the current wave of creativity in the advertisement industry, as A.R.E.A has noticed the importance of virtual advertising in the current world, it decided to utilize this feature to create new virtual realities around the player and revolutionize the field of marketing.  

The WININ application offers prizes and gifts in all countries where the application is available; with around 50,000 prizes. In mid-June of this year, the company has celebrated the launch of the application for the first time, where it had accumulated more than 200,000 downloads. The app currently has more than 25,000 winners from different countries.

It is also worth mentioning that the application provides a wide range of new advertising opportunities that differ from what’s other advertisements websites offer. It promises its clients fast results in real-time and provides them with the necessary steps to successful sales flow by attracting the specified targeted audience, among many other services. WININ also plans to create an advertising plan that will make it able to reach countries like Jordan, Saudi Arabia, The United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Qatar, Kuwait, Iraq, Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria.