كيف يمكن لنتنياهو الالتفاف على قرار "الجنائية الدولية"؟ خبراء يجيبون ‏‏المدير الفني لنادي العقبة يستقيل من تدريب الفريق بنك المعرفة المصري ،، دعوة لإنشاء بنك معرفة أردني مماثل الإيسيسكو تدعو لحماية التراث اللبناني من التدمير جراء العدوان الإسرائيلي منتخب الكراتيه يتصدر مجموعته ببطولة العالم آلاف المستوطنين بينهم بن غفير يقتحمون الحرم الإبراهيمي صحة غزة تحذر من توقف المستشفيات عن العمل خلال (48) ساعة بسبب نفاد الوقود هل الجزية تنطبق على العرب المسيحيين؟ الصفدي: يحق لنا التباهي بحكمنا الهاشمي ونفخر بدفاع الملك عن غزة الخطوط القطرية تخفض أسعار رحلاتها بين عمان والدوحة مندوبا عن الملك وولي العهد.. العيسوي يعزي عشيرة النعيمات الرئيس الصيني في زيارة قصيرة للمغرب المغرب: تفكيك خلية إرهابية موالية لداعش بالساحل مدير إدارة الأرصاد الجوية: كتلة هوائية باردة جدا تؤثر على المملكة وانخفاض ملموس في درجات الحرارة انطلاق تصفيات بطولة القائد الشتوية لأندية المعلمين في كرة القدم انهيار مبنيين بالكامل بغارتين إسرائيليتين على الشياح جنوب بيروت بيروت: تجدد الغارات على الضاحية الجنوبية بعد تهديدات بالإخلاء العراق يطلب دورة غير عادية لجامعة الدول العربية بعد التهديدات الإسرائيلية الاحتلال يستهدف مستشفى كمال عدوان شمال قطاع غزة وفاة الفنان المصري عادل الفار بعد صراع مع المرض

Fighting extremism Where is the imbalance?

Fighting extremism Where is the imbalance
الأنباط -

 Bilal Al-Abwaini

Researchers and specialists in the affairs of terrorist groups have often linked extremism and terrorism to marginalization, poverty, unemployment, lack of community justice, and so on.

However, although previous terrorist incidents have proven that these are not the only reasons for the tendency of some to radicalize and thus carry out acts of terrorism that express their Takfirist thoughts in their midst, there is a question that comes to mind and we are still living on the occasion of the incident of Fuheis and Salt, where the youth of the martyrs were among the finest soldiers of the homeland.

In short, what Governments have done to address these societal phenomena, which pose a grave threat to the State in many of its most painful and painful ways, is to find out who are ready to carry out terrorist operations after embracing extremist and suspicious ideas.

If governments have provided what can be referred to to address these phenomena, why do we continue to see a trend toward extremism and atonement to the extent that we are talking about new forms of extremism and terrorism through cells or semi cells that act on their own, and are not linked to any of the traditional terrorist organizations .

These new forms of extremism are dangerous in the difficulty of identifying their members if we take into account the view that members of these cells have. They have no criminal history or are not suspected of any suspicion, whether criminal or intellectual.

It is well known that the treatment of extremism is not only the priority of the security services, since the authorities do their duty if there is doubt about an individual or group to carry out searches and investigations until such time as they are found guilty and convicted.

However, the struggle against Takfirist and extremist ideology requires a collective action involving all the state's civil and official institutions. It requires governments to play their role by addressing the causes of youth's tendency towards radicalization and extremism.

We said in a previous article that many institutions need to conduct real reviews of how they deal with the phenomenon in terms of the usefulness of the tools used to propagate the middle speech in exchange for hard-line Takfirist speech.

But today we need to conduct real reviews of our strategies to combat extremism and terrorism and to point out the faults to address them or develop them to match the purpose of their establishment in the fight against extremism and terrorism, and we need to expand the circle to include other causes that lead to extremism, Poverty, unemployment and marginalization.

But for reasons that encourage extremism, such as unemployment, poverty and marginalization, governments need to address them on the ground, not on paper, for immediate goals such as parliamentary trust or otherwise.

Unfortunately, we often have the ability to diagnose and show the real causes of a phenomenon, such as the phenomenon of extremism, but the treatments are often incomplete or not commensurate with the accuracy of diagnosis.

Translated by : Yasmeen AbuBaker

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