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Bustami & Saheb Group Launches the "Ain Initiative" for Road Safety

Bustami  Saheb Group Launches the Ain Initiative for Road Safety
الأنباط -

Amman, Jordan, XX July 2023 - Bustami & Saheb Group, the exclusive distributor for Nissan, INFINITI, BYD vehicles in Jordan, is proud to announce the launch of "Ain Initiative", a dedicated effort towards promoting safe driving on the nation's roads. This initiative underscores the vital role that companies play in fulfilling their social responsibility, highlighting Bustami & Saheb Group's unwavering commitment to the well-being of the community and individuals in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.


Road accidents continue to pose a grave threat to road safety and public health. According to the General Security Directorate in Jordan, between 2017 and 2021 only, there were 51,426 reported injuries and 3,129 fatalities resulting from road accidents, incurring a staggering cost of 1.561 million Jordanian Dinars. These statistics underscore the profound human toll and the significant economic burden faced by our nation today.


Mr. Rami Sahib, Chairman of the Bustami & Saheb Group, stated, through "Ain Initiative", our objective is to actively drive legislative changes that mitigate key risk factors, including driving under the influence of alcohol, speeding, non-compliance with seat belt usage, improper child seat and motorcycle helmet use. Additionally, we aim to elevate vehicle safety standards, enhance the skills of traffic management personnel, and overall, create safer road conditions."


"Ain Initiative" sets itself apart with its comprehensive, long-term strategic plans, designed to bolster road safety, ensure smooth traffic flow, promote traffic awareness, and foster a responsible traffic culture across all segments of society. Moreover, the initiative is dedicated to providing sustained support to traffic departments by optimizing human and logistical resources to preserve lives and elevate road safety standards in Jordan.


Eng. Ekrimeh Mahasneh, CEO of the Bustami & Saheb Group, added, "Ain Initiative" seeks to bring about a positive shift in driver behavior by incentivizing adherence to safe driving practices. It equally emphasizes community-wide awareness of road safety regulations, whether one is a pedestrian, vehicle owner, or passenger. Our commitment extends beyond our automotive offerings to active participation in addressing critical societal concerns, particularly the reduction of road accidents and the preservation of lives."


"Ain Initiative" stands as a result of a strategic partnership between a consortium of private and public sector entities, including the General Security Directorate, Sharx Marketing Agency, 4 JAYED website, Motor 962 magazine, and Dooz Cars Platform. The initiative has garnered support from prominent media entities in the kingdom, such as Yaqeen FM, Amman TV, AlWakeel News, Radio Fann, Rotana Radio and Rotana Tarab Radio.

Furthermore, Bustami & Saheb Group and their initiative partners are dedicated to engaging volunteers who can contribute to "Ain Initiative". This involvement will encompass professionals including lawyers, physical therapists, and mental health workers, providing their expertise in the event of accidents or pedestrian collisions. Donations will be utilized to assist in covering the costs associated with accident aftermath in the near future.





About Bustami & Saheb Group:


Established in Amman in 1969, Bustami & Saheb Group is the exclusive dealer for Nissan and INFINITI in Jordan and an official dealership for the Chinese EV manufacturer BYD.

Today, it is the cornerstone in Jordan and the Middle East in the field of integrated services that it provides. The group provides the highest international standards and the best services for Nissan, INFINITI, and BYD cars through its distinguished facilities and professional staff.

In order to support the Jordanian market with the latest international technology, Bustami and Saheb worked to provide the Jordanian market with BYD electric cars, reinforcing its commitment to satisfying its customers at all times.


Bustami & Saheb group has achieved great milestones in the field of car trade in Jordan and the Middle East by launching a set of facilities to display cars of all categories, maintenance centers, sub-agents, and spare part centers across the kingdom. In addition to a specialized system that combines marketing, sales, and leading after-sales services, with one goal of ensuring the highest levels of protection and customer satisfaction, it is the most important component of its success. Today Bustami & Saheb has a growing base of customers, serving them through showrooms, and maintenance centers, in addition to its team of specialized employees, numbering more than 200 employees.


For more information, you can visit our website http://www.bstc.com.jo or call the following number: 06-5532356, and you can also visit our social media pages:

      Ain Initiative - Facebookِ

      Ain Initiative - Instagram

Or you can contact us via the following email: bstcinfo@bstc.com.jo


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