Al-Anbat – Dalal
by - Ola Rasheed
The Corona
pandemic has cast a negative shadow on the medical body in the Kingdom, the
most important of which are pressures on doctors, after the increase in the
number of the unemployed among them and the increase in the number of medical
school graduates, whether from Jordanian or foreign universities, which the
concerned authorities do not provide them with job opportunities in the
Ministry of Health and the private sector, which suffers from limited
opportunities here arose the problem of the presence of large numbers of
doctors and the lack of opportunities for work and training.
Also, the training opportunities for doctors
are not fair and there is no equal training opportunities. The doctor does not
get training or job opportunities. This is due to the mismanagement of
officials, especially after the doctors’ union was dissolved and a
government-affiliated council was formed by decisions from it, and this council
did not serve the graduate doctors, especially those who are not available They
have opportunities for work and training because there is no party claiming
their rights.
It is reported that the specialist doctors
have become suffering from the insolvency of insurance companies due to the
Corona pandemic, and according to the Public Health Law Chapter Five, Article
24: The Ministry is responsible for combating and controlling diseases
transmitted by vectors in the event of their emergence or spread, and this
means that insurance companies calculate what is stated in the law (argument )
To prevent an increase in doctors’ wages, especially since they made great
efforts during the pandemic, for which they received praise from His Majesty
the King, while insurance companies contributed to the doctors’ temptation to
establish rights over companies that they did not obtain.
The list of
wages list has not been amended since 2008. The recent wages list that was
proposed by the appointed council in the Medical Syndicate is an organizational
list, as several procedures have been added to it and the overlaps between
medical specialties have been removed, and it is therefore an organizational
list in which wages did not rise clearly except in line with the current
economic situation in the Kingdom, it is therefore a regulation to protect the
rights of doctors by insurance companies and to set a minimum and maximum wage.
However, the
list remained trapped in the inclusion of the minister's office six months ago,
which holds the status of captain and is currently exercising his powers after
the dissolution of the council, and he is currently using it as a pressure card
to direct the upcoming union elections.
The medical sector is witnessing a complete
chaos as a result of the interference in the sectors, especially the cosmetic
sector, after it became a non-specialist who performs cosmetic operations such
as Botox and fillers, while some perform them in beauty salons, they are
interventions that may not be performed except by the authorized doctor.
The work
environment of doctors has also become repellent to competencies, so that the
Ministry of Health suffers from a significant shortage of medical specialties,
and the reason is due to the work environment and its conditions, and the low
wages and salaries received by doctors compared to other sectors, despite the
great responsibilities that fall upon them.
called on the government to reduce the unemployment of doctors and provide job
and training opportunities for them to guarantee their rights and amend the
work environment, so that the Ministry of Health receives medical competencies
and does not expel cadres by developing work methods.
They also called for the intensification of
supervision over the medical sector, especially after the emergence of people
who play the role of herbalists and those who impersonate a doctor and the
presence of unlicensed centers and doctors whose complaints exceeded dozens,
and to prevent the recurrence of these phenomena, this can only be done with
the presence of specialized cadres from the Ministry of Health to carry out its
oversight role. The licenses for professions affiliated with the Ministry
cannot monitor everything that happens in the health sector due to the lack of
capabilities and cadres available to it.
Article 22/A
Chapter Five of the Public Health Law stipulates that if an epidemic disease
breaks out in the Kingdom or any region in it, the Minister must take all
measures urgently, to combat it and prevent its spread, announce the epidemic
in the various media and publish the announcement in the Official Gazette.