Al-anbat - Dalal Omar
Translated by Yasmin Tashli
Consultant Chest Diseases and Intensive Care, Dr. Muhammad
Hassan Al-Tarawneh, said that the preventive measures that have been taken to
limit communication between humans, travel and transmission restrictions, and
adherence to personal hygiene procedures, sterilization, and wearing a mask
have a role in preventing the transmission of a large number of viruses and
delaying the appearance of their symptoms on humans , but the "monkey pox”
virus cannot be completely eliminated with the possibility of containing the
infection in confined places, especially since it was located in the Central
African region and moved to many other countries.
In an exclusive
interview with Al-Anbat, Al-Tarawneh expected the emergence of several other
viruses after the Corona pandemic, as the distribution of viruses, their times
and places may differ as a result of not being exposed to these viruses in
certain seasons, and due to the measures taken, the world may witness the
emergence of viruses in places for the first time.
Al-Tarawneh ruled out the occurrence of preventive measures
similar to the strict preventive measures of Corona, such as closures, because
the method of transmission of monkey pox is through direct contact and contact,
not by spraying or coughing for a long time.
He said that one of the reasons for the delay in the
emergence and dealing with monkey pox is the measures taken due to the Corona
pandemic, where "monkey pox” appeared and was diagnosed in 1958 as determining
the cause of smallpox in animals, to show the first case of transmission from
animal to human in 1970 in Central Africa, and in 2003 The first appearance of monkey pox
outside the African continent was diagnosed, so the analysis of 2018 by
scientists shows that there is a possibility of the spread of monkey pox.
Scientists from different countries of the world
communicated and gathered in the British capital, during which they issued a
report in the Journal of Vaccines, which included that 70% of the world’s
population is susceptible to monkey pox infection as a result of low immunity
and the lack of regular smallpox vaccination, especially since the usual
smallpox vaccine protects by 85% from infection with monkey pox.
Al-Tarawneh added that monkey pox is very different from the
Corona virus, as it is a zoonotic virus that is transmitted from one animal to
another, and from animal to human, and it may be transmitted from human to
animal, which belongs to the DNA group, unlike the Corona virus, which belongs
to the RNA group, these groups have the possibility of mutations Unlike DNA,
which is rare.
He explained that the symptoms of monkey pox infection
begin with direct exposure to the virus for a period of no less than three
hours. Symptoms begin with high temperatures, general fatigue in the body,
exhaustion and swelling in the lymph glands, then other symptoms appear after
several days, such as pimples on the face, hands and limbs, then filled with
fluid and then the symptoms disappear without the need For a review or medical
interventions, in most cases, it takes four weeks to recover.