Translated by Mohammad Al-Zubaidi
The Prime Minister's Adviser on Health and the Corona file,
Dr. Adel Al-Belbisi, said that over the past year Jordan had witnessed the
second and third wave, In the second wave, hospitals and some health centers
were closed down and surgeries were postponed, In the third wave there were no
delays in hospitals, and all hospitals continued to receive normal illnesses
and corona cases.
Via FM radio, the epidemiological situation in Jordan was
good, noting that Jordan had reached the top of the wave in the 49thweek of the year.
He called for a commitment to preventive action and care,
stating that the mutant Omicron was rapidly spreading and any breach of the
obligation to take preventive action could be due to the high incidence of
About the enhanced dose, Al-Belbisi explained that the two
doses in the Omicron mutant give 40% immunity while the third dose gives 80%
immunity, indicating that the Epidemiological Commission accordingly
recommended reducing the duration between the second and third doses.
He added the number of recipients of the enhanced dose last
week had risen, with 60,000 people receiving the third dose.