طقس معتدل خلال الأيام الأربعة المقبلة الوحدات يفوز على معان بالثلاثة اليقظة مطلوبة وجملة المشهد تتغير ! أمادو موتاري يحط الرحال في قلعة الزعيم وكالة ستاندرد اند بور ز ترفع التصنيف الائتماني الاردني لأول مره منذ ٢١ عام إلى BB- مليونين درهم من حاكم الشارقة دعما لإتحاد الكتاب مندوبا عن الملك وولي العهد.... العيسوي يعزي عشيرتي الصرايرة والبطوش سأنتخب رغم ما قاله المعايطه فصل مبرمج للتيار الكهربائي عن مناطق في الشمال غدا 50 ألفا يؤدون صلاة الجمعة في المسجد الأقصى مراكز الخدمات الحكومية تعلن عن ساعات العمل ليوم الاقتراع الأونروا: وصلنا إلى 160 ألف طفل للتطعيم ضد الشلل جنوب قطاع غزة "العفو الدولية" تدعو للتحقيق بجرائم حرب إسرائيلية بقطاع غزة إجلاء 420 ألف شخص في مقاطعة هاينان بجنوبي الصين مع اقتراب الإعصار "ياغي" النفط يرتفع بشكل طفيف ويقترب من أكبر خسارة أسبوعية في عام المناضل قدورة فارس من "منتدى العصرية": فظائع سجون الإحتلال لم تشهد مثلها السجون على امتداد التاريخ بدء المرحلة الثانية لصرف المستحقات والرديات لطلبة المنح والقروض الداخلية والدة معالي العين جمال الصرايرة في ذمة الله وفيات الجمعة 6/9/2024 أجواء معتدلة الحرارة في أغلب المناطق حتى الاثنين

Sustainable agriculture in the spotlight atPepsiCo’s second MENA edition of theGreenhouse Acceleratorprogram

Sustainable agriculture in the spotlight atPepsiCo’s second MENA edition of theGreenhouse Acceleratorprogram
الأنباط -

Startups with innovations capable of advancing sustainable practices in agriculture can now apply online for a spot on the 2023 PepsiCo Greenhouse Accelerator: MENA Sustainability Edition

Amman, Jordan, 27 February 2023–PepsiCo is inviting startups and entrepreneurs from the MENA region, including Jordan, to apply for the upcoming regional edition of its Greenhouse Accelerator Program. The theme of the upcoming round is sustainable agricultural practices, which closely aligns with PepsiCo’s end-to-end transformation strategy, pep+ (PepsiCo Positive) and its underlying ambitions for Positive Agriculture, as well as aiding in the region’s relief from food insecurity.

As part of the program, PepsiCo along with subject matter experts, will offer technical and strategic mentorship to participating applicants, as well as access to local and regional knowledge networks.
"We understand the crucial role of innovation and sustainability in driving forward our pep+ strategy. With the region heavily reliant on imports, it's essential that we support the passionate changemakers working to make a significant impact through positive agricultural practices. The private sector has an important role to play in addressing the major challenges facing the MENA region, such as food security, arid climate, scarce arable land, and limited water supply, and our goal is to lead by example. PepsiCo has been extending efforts to reinforce food security in the region, and we hope this program allows us to take it a step further and find disruptive solutions to address sustainability priorities,” saidAamer Sheikh, CEO – Middle East, PepsiCo.
Through pep+, the company is working to source crops and ingredients in ways that restore the soil and strengthen farming communities, and the Greenhouse Accelerator Program is intended to unlock innovative and disruptive agricultural solutions in partnership with purpose-driven start-ups from the region.

Established and revenue-generating start-ups that are developing business models related to processes, products, and / or technologies and support the management of direct farming operations to reduce the carbon footprint in the agricultural space and enhance food security in the region are invited to apply via the Greenhouse Accelerator Program Website before the deadline of 10th April 2023.

The participants that are chosen for the six-month program, will be challenged to demonstrate collaboration and measurable progress, based on a mutually developed action plan. They will receive support in the form of a $20,000 cash grant, one-on-one mentorship via access to experts from PepsiCo and partners, market activation and access to networks, and business opportunities. When the program ends, one winning company will be selected and awarded an additional $100,000 in funding to continue its expansion, and a potential opportunity to extend its partnership with PepsiCo to further expedite its growth.

Jordan had a strong run in the inaugural MENA edition of the program. Last year’s theme – sustainable packaging and circular economy – struck a chord among Jordanian entrepreneurs with two start-ups, namely, eRecycleHub and MehnaJo, making it to the top 10. In Jordan, PepsiCo operates through the Jordan Ice and Aerated Water Company and has also invested in the installation of six water dams and one rainwater collection pond to ensure the watershed is replenished as part of its Positive Agriculture efforts.
For more information on the Greenhouse Accelerator Program or to apply, please visit: Greenhouse Accelerator Program website or the PepsiCo Positive (pep+) Middle East LinkedIn page
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