اعلان نتائج إنتخابات نادي العاملين في جامعة البلقاء التطبيقية "المهندسين" تشارك في اليوم العلمي في جامعة البترا العميد عامر سعيد غنيمات الف مبروك الترفيع حمزة احمد العبادي الف مبروك الترفيع فرحة أمير المملكة بالترفيع عبدالله بن زايد والصفدي يدينان اقتحام المسجد الأقصى من المستوطنين Housing Bank Supports Dar Ne’meh in Aqaba, A Project by Princess Taghrid Institute for Development and Training صندوق استثمار أموال الضمان الاجتماعي يهنئ جلالة الملك . إقليم كردستان العراق تعترف رسمياً بـ 20 جامعة أردنية رسمية علماء صينيون يبتكرون جلدا إلكترونيا ثلاثي الأبعاد يحاكي جلد الإنسان وزارة الصحة تطلق الاستراتيجية الوطنية لمكافحة التبغ والتدخين توقيع اتفاقيّة بين "المواصفات" و "الطاقة الذّريّة" في مجال حفظ وادامة معايير قياس وطنية الاردن يدين الاستهداف المتواصل والممنهج لمراكز إيواء النازحين.. ويطالب بوقف الحرب على غزة ورشة تعريفيّة ببرنامج "التاجر الملتزم" في ملتقى سيّدات الأعمال مراد الحوامده الف مبروك الترفيع الى رتبة مقدم إرادة ملكية بترفيع الامير الحسين إلى رتبة رائد في القوات المسلحة الأردنية (صور) توقيف ثلاثة موظفين سابقين 'بمراقبة الشركات' والحجز على أموال نائب ومنعه من السفر أسبوع توعوي في عمان الأهلية حول قانون السير والمخدرات والجرائم الالكترونية 68 شهيدا في 6 مجازر بغزة خلال الساعات الـ24 الماضية الحنيفات يتفقد عددا من المشاريع الزراعية في عجلون

Hanifat: Signing with an investor to start constructing 3 factories in the southern Jordan Valley

الأنباط -
Al - Anbat-Dana Al-Shakhanbeh 

Minister of Agriculture Khaled Al-Hanifat suggested, on Sunday, signing with an investor next week or the following to start establishing 3 factories in the southern Jordan Valley to benefit from the production surplus in that area.

During his speech to the "Sawt Al mamlakah" program, he indicated that there are projects in the final stage to establish 3 factories in the southern Jordan Valley, and they were audited by the Industrial Cities Corporation.

"Next week or the next, an investor will be signed to start establishing these factories to take advantage of the production surplus (...) The factories' work is related to drying and milling the tomatoes," according to Hanifat.
Regarding the incentives offered to the private sector to invest in food processing, Hanifat said: "The government gives money to the investor in exchange for guarantees, and he builds the factory and is given 5 years free of charge, after which he either buys or rents the factory (...) two million and 100 thousand dinars have been allocated to factories (... .) We do not give out production lines, but rather an infrastructure.”

Regarding agricultural import and export, Hanifat said that agricultural quantities that enter the local market are being measured.

"This year, for the first time, we pay 50% of export costs to support Jordanian farmers (...) there is financing and we have the ability to pay," according to Hanifat.

He pointed out that there are challenges facing the agricultural sector in Jordan related to the region and its events, in addition to the water challenge. Despite that, the sector was able to produce 2.5 million tons and reach 60 countries in the world and contribute to the GDP by 5.5%.

Hanifat expressed his hope next year to start establishing 10 large cooperative societies to support farmers.

Speaking about the national plan for agriculture, he said that the hope of the national plan for sustainable agriculture is to create an infrastructure for the agricultural sector, noting at the same time that it will not solve the sector's challenges day and night.

He added that the aim of the agricultural projects is to provide job opportunities for Jordanians in addition to achieving the concept of food security.

His Majesty King Abdullah II was briefed on the progress of work on the national plan for sustainable agriculture for the years (2022-2025), during a meeting held at Al Husseiniya Palace on Sunday.

During the meeting, which was attended by Prime Minister Bishr Al-Khasawneh, His Majesty called on the government to speed up implementation of the plan's axes, which include benefiting from state lands for agricultural projects.

His Majesty stressed the importance of continuous communication with citizens in various regions and putting them in the form of agricultural projects in their regions, to have a role in their success and sustainability for the development of their communities.

During the meeting, which was held out of his keenness to periodically follow up the progress of work to develop this vital sector, His Majesty pointed to the necessity of integrating the implementation of the national agricultural plan with the food security plan, stressing the importance of having a clear vision of the most important requirements for enhancing food security. to provide it with the necessary support.