الصفدي يستقبل المفوض العام لوكالة الأمم المتحدة لإغاثة وتشغيل اللاجئين الفلسطينيين اختتام أعمال مؤتمر الطفل الدولي الرابع 2024 في العاصمة الاردنية عمان العرسان يعود للزعيم رئيس جامعة البلقاء التطبيقية يرعى ختام بطولة اليوبيل الفضي في العقبه كلنا الاردن تعقد ورشة عمل السلامة والصحة المهنية و تقييم المخاطر في الطفيلة د. حازم قشوع يكتب:أيها القيصر لقد حان وقت الرحيل. الأردن يرحب بإعلان المملكة المتحدة تعليق رخص تصدير أسلحة لإسرائيل 33 شهيدا و67 جريحا في غزة خلال الساعات الـ24 الماضية أورنج الأردن تسجل المشاركة الأضخم في مؤتمر ومعرض "سوفكس الأردن 2024" وفد من مجلس الخدمة العامَّة العراقي يزور رئاسة الوزراء مذكرتا تفاهم لتقييم احتمالات تواجد البترول والغاز في السرحان والصفاوي لمواصلة دورها في الاستدامة البيئية زين عضواً في المجلس الأردني للأبنية الخضراء 3,743 مليون دينار حجم الصادرات الصناعية خلال النصف الاول من 2024. الميثاق الوطني في نشاطات مكثفة في المفرق و الزرقاء و لواء الكورة وابو نصير والعارضة ومخيم النصر. "العمل": مصنع "الجديدة" بالكرك يرفع عدد الفروع الإنتاجية بالمملكة إلى 31 فرعا إنتاجيا تُشغل 9765 أردنيا وأردنية حاليا شومان تعلن القائمة القصيرة لجائزة أدب الأطفال في دورتها (18) البنك العربي الاسلامي الدولي يطلق برنامج " وقار " " الإعلام السياسي" سلاح التأثير على السلوك الانتخابي العدالة الدولية في مواجهة الحماية الغربية للكيان "صدى الاعماق" لوئام النجار

ACWA Power, Masdar and SOCAR team up for 500MW renewable energy projects in Azerbaijan

ACWA Power44 Masdar and SOCAR team up for 500MW renewable energy projects in Azerbaijan
الأنباط -

ACWA Power, Masdar and SOCAR team up for 500MW renewable energy projects in Azerbaijan

  • Two of the largest independent power producers in the region and an integrated national oil and gas company of Republic of Azerbaijan will jointly develop renewable energy projects in Nakhchivan to expedite decarbonisation goals.

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – 7 November 2023: Saudi-listed ACWA Power, the world’s largest private water desalination company, leader in energy transition and first mover into green hydrogen, has announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company, also known as Masdar, and State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) to develop 500MW of renewable energy projects in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The MoU was signed by Thomas Brostrom, Chief Investment Officer of ACWA Power, Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi, Chief Executive Officer of Masdar, and Afgan Isayev, Vice President of SOCAR. 

As two of the largest independent power producers (IPP) of clean energy globally and within the region and an integrated national oil and gas company providing energy security of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the signing parties to the MoU will see the organisations pool their expertise to expedite the development of renewable energy projects that accelerate decarbonisation and help Azerbaijan achieve its net-zero goals.

Commenting on the announcement, Marco Arcelli, Chief Executive Officer of ACWA Power, said: "We are thrilled to join forces with Masdar and SOCAR in our commitment to advancing clean energy solutions around the world. Our shared vision for a sustainable and decarbonised future transcends competition. By coming together, ACWA Power, Masdar and SOCAR are demonstrating our unwavering commitment to accelerate decarbonisation efforts globally. We are proud to collaborate in helping Azerbaijan advance towards its net-zero goals, and through this partnership, we aim to set an example for the industry.”

Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi, Chief Executive Officer of Masdar, said: "We’re delighted to join forces with our strategic partners to further the global energy transition and accelerate the development and deployment of renewable energy. This builds on Masdar’s existing partnership with Azerbaijan for the 230MW Garadagh Solar PV plant, the largest in the region. With plans to develop a potential pipeline of up to 10GW of renewable energy projects in the Central Asia nation, this latest collaboration in Nakhchivan will further strengthen Azerbaijan’s net-zero ambitions. Our alliance with ACWA Power and SOCAR demonstrates our shared goal of supporting countries to diversify their energy mix and decarbonize economies for a greener, cleaner future.” 

Afgan Isayev, Vice-President of SOCAR said: "We are pleased to announce the formalisation of the tripartite collaboration between SOCAR and our esteemed partners, Masdar and ACWA Power, solidifying our aspiration to advancing renewable energy initiatives in Azerbaijan. Building upon our existing collaboration with Masdar and our ongoing cooperation with ACWA Power, this partnership represents a crucial milestone in our journey toward a sustainable energy future. This strategic alliance underscores our dedication to harnessing the vast potential of solar and wind energy, furthering our efforts to reduce carbon emissions, and fostering economic growth in our region. We are excited to embark on this path of energy transition, ultimately contributing to a greener and more prosperous Azerbaijan.”

ACWA Power entered the Azerbaijan market in 2019, with the intention of supporting the Central Asian nation in meeting its ambitious renewables integration, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction, and decarbonisation targets. 

ACWA Power is currently developing a 240MW wind power plant in Azerbaijan, at an investment value of US$286 million. Meanwhile, four implementation agreements for mega giga projects including a 1GW onshore, a 1.5GW offshore wind farm and a battery energy storage project were signed earlier this year with the Azeri Ministry of Energy, while a cooperation agreement with State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) will enable collaboration and exploration in the fields of renewable energy and green hydrogen.

Masdar has been active in Azerbaijan since 2020 and developed the 230MW Garadagh solar plant, which become operational in October this year. The UAE’s clean energy pioneer has also signed agreements to develop onshore wind and solar projects and integrated offshore wind and green hydrogen projects with a total combined capacity of 4GW in the country. Masdar and Azerbaijan have agreed on an option to expand the total capacity for renewable projects to 10GW across multiple technologies.

About ACWA Power

ACWA Power (TADAWUL:2082) is a Saudi-listed company and the world's largest private water desalination company, the first mover into green hydrogen, and a leader in energy transition. Registered and established in 2004 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, ACWA Power employs over 4,000 people and is currently present in 12 countries in the Middle East, Africa, Central Asia and Southeast Asia. ACWA Power’s portfolio comprises 77 projects in operation, advanced development, or construction with an investment value of SAR 310. 5 billion (USD 82.8 billion), and the capacity to generate 53.69 GW of power and manage 7.64 million m3/day of desalinated water per day, delivered on a bulk basis to address the needs of state utilities and industries on long term, off-taker contracts under utility services outsourcing and Public-Private-Partnership models. Learn more: www.acwapower.com

Media contacts:

Yahya Hamidaddin, Executive Director – PR, Media & Content – YHamidaddin@acwapower.com

Mohammed Al Hasan, Senior Manager – PR, Media & Content – Moalhasan@acwapower.com 

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