الزرقاء: إنطلاق فعاليات مهرجان مسرح العرائس العربي الثاني يحرق طفلتيه ويلوذ بالفرار سرقة 200 هاتف يومياً في بريطانيا.. لسبب غريب 4 أسئلة قبل تغيير الحمية الغذائية النشامى يكتفي بالتعادل مع الكويت في انطلاق مشوار المونديال الفايز : سوفكس يشكل فرصة للدول والشركات العارضة للاطلاع على تجارب نظرائهم من الدول الأخرى وزير الخارجية يحذر في لقاء مع نظيرته الألمانية من تبعات الحرب الإسرائيلية على غزة بلدية اربد: مليون وثلاثة وتسعين الف دينار لأعمال تعبيد جديدة مؤسسة مينتور العربية ومؤسسة ولي العهد تختتمان برنامج الإلهام المهني سلطان بن أحمد القاسمي يكرم الفائزين بجائزة الشارقة للاتصال الحكومي في دورتها الـ11 الحاجة نوال ابو الرب في ذمة الله ماكرون يكلف بارنييه تشكيل الحكومة الفرنسية الجديدة قطاع السفر يسهم برفع الناتج المحلي العالمي 12.1% مندوبا عن الملك وولي العهد.... العيسوي يعزي عشيرة الغزو وآل قناش سلطان بن أحمد القاسمي يكرم الفائزين بجائزة الشارقة للاتصال الحكومي في دورتها الـ 11 البنك المركزي الأردني يُخرج الدفعة الأولى من المشاركين في المعسكر التدريبي للأمن السّيبراني العجلوني يكرم الفريق الفائز في النسخة الثانية من برنامج " Future founders " في البلقاء التطبيقية عامر المجالي.. مبارك التخرج صندوق الامان لمستقبل الأيتام يحرز المركز الاول في جائزة الشارقة للاتصال الحكومي جيدكو تحصل على المركز الثاني لجائزة الشارقة

ERide Jo Launches as Jordan's First eco-friendly Transportation Company

ERide Jo Launches as Jordans First eco-friendly Transportation Company
الأنباط -
ERide Jo Launches as Jordan's First eco-friendly Transportation Company

Amman, Jordan - May 2023: ERide Jo, the first eco-friendly transportation company in Jordan, officially launched its services in a special ceremony held at the Royal Hotel on Thursday. The event was attended by a large audience from various local sectors and garnered unprecedented media coverage.

ERide Jo aims to provide an affordable, convenient, and ecofriendly means of transportation for Jordanians. The company offers electric scooter rental services that are powered by the latest technology and designed for maximum safety and comfort. The E-Ride Jo mobile app enables users to easily locate and rent a vehicle, track their rides, and monitor their carbon footprint.

The opening ceremony included informative presentations about the sustainable transport sector in Jordan and its impact on green energy. Awareness videos were shown about ERide Jo, its products, and services, and presentations were given on how to use bicycles and scooters, how to rent and park them, and public safety and security while using them.

The event also featured a discussion session on the impact of the company's services on the sustainable transport sector in Jordan. The CEO of ERide JO, Mr. Hussam Daoud, Mr. Maysam Al-Otoum from Cewas, representing the green energy sector, and Mr. Bashir Mraish, CEO of Bashir Mraish Consultancy, participated in the session to answer questions about the role of public relations and its impact on raising awareness of the importance of sustainable transportation and green energy.

On this occasion, Mr. Hussam Daoud, CEO of ERide Jo, expressed his happiness at the official launch of the company in Jordan, saying, "We are pleased to launch E-Ride Jo in Jordan and provide environmentally friendly transportation solutions to the Jordanian people. Our mission is to provide sustainable and efficient means of transportation, which not only benefits the environment but also enhances the quality of life for our passengers.”

ERide Jo will initially launch its services in a number of Jordanian universities, which will be announced later, as well as in various tourist sites, hotels, resorts, and parks around Jordan.

For more information about ERide Jo, please visit the company's website at https://eridejo.com/.


About ERide Jo:

At E-Ride Jo, we believe in creating a better, more sustainable future through the power of micro-mobility. That is why we're dedicated to providing eco-friendly transportation solutions to the people of Jordan. As experts in the field of micro-mobility, we offer a wide range of services, including research and development, fleet maintenance, fleet management, marketing and advertising, and micro mobility travel solutions. With our comprehensive approach, we're able to ensure that our customers have the best possible experience with our E-Scooters and E-Bikes.

For more information about ERide Jo, please visit the company's website at https://eridejo.com/.

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