الخارجية الأميركية تلغي مكافأة العثور على أحمد الشرع اللي كانت $10 مليون دولار الخارجية تؤكد أهمية استمرار الدعم الدولي لوكالة الاونروا تحقيق تلفزيوني يكشف أسرارا مثيرة عن سارة نتنياهو: "الأخطبوط" وصول القوات المسلحة الإماراتية المشاركة بالتمرين العسكري المشترك "الثوابت القوية 4" الاهلي يفوز على الرمثا ويتاهل لنصف نهائي بطولة الكأس وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي توضح قرار مجلس الوزراء الموقر المتعلق بإعفاء طلبة المنح الكاملة من التقدم بطلبات استخدام لدى ديوان الخدمة المدنية وزارة الخارجية ترحب بقرار الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة بشأن التزامات اسرائيل هل تنجح الثورة المضادة في سوريا؟ شكر على تعاز 137 دولة تطالب "العدل الدولية" برأي استشاري بشأن تشريع إسرائيلي ضد "اونروا" رئيس الديوان الملكي يلتقي وفدا شبابيا «زِد» تكشف عن رؤية 'التجارة المتكاملة" المبتكرة 35 ألفا يؤدون صلاة الجمعة في المسجد الأقصى شهداء جراء قصف الاحتلال الإسرائيلي منزلين في بيت حانون وغزة العتوم يكتب: إنجاح مشروع التحديث السياسي .. ما المطلوب ومن المسؤول؟ ‏الكاتب السعودي محمد الهاجري : ‏ "الحوار والمصالحة الوطنية هما الطريق نحو مستقبل سوريا الأفضل" الدكتورة ماجدة زيدان تكتب :دور رعاية المسنين في الأردن: الحريق الأخير في دار رعاية المسنين والعبر المستفادة الصفدي ينعى النائب الأسبق مازن الملكاوي وفيات الجمعة 20-12-2024 الملك يغادر أرض الوطن في زيارة خاصة

الأنباط -

Al-Anbat -layan khouly

The representative of the communications and information technology sector in the Jordan Chamber of Commerce, Engineer Haitham Al-Rawajbeh, confirmed that the communications and information technology sector has achieved great achievements since its independence, as it has become among the most advanced and prosperous countries in the region in this vital field.

Al-Rawajba said in a statement on the occasion of Independence Day, which is on Wednesday, that the sector, thanks to the efforts and permanent care it enjoys by His Majesty King Abdullah II, has been able to achieve great growth and attract international companies to invest and work in the Kingdom, providing thousands of job opportunities for Jordanians.

He added that His Majesty the King always stresses the importance of promoting the communications and information technology sector, as it is a vital sector and a driver of economic growth and progress, indicating that the sector is an essential part and pillar of the Kingdom's national security.

He stressed the need to continue building on what the Kingdom has achieved in the communications and information technology sector and to keep pace with the latest global developments to maintain the competitiveness of this important sector in employing young talents.

Al-Rawajba said that Jordan is betting a lot on the information technology sector, which grows annually in providing more job opportunities for young people, supporting the national economy by transforming to the digital economy, making the Kingdom a major center for technology in the region and attracting more international companies to open regional offices.

Al-Rawajba pointed to the importance of the fifth generation services in the telecommunications sector, which the government intends to establish the infrastructure for, and the legislation regulating the sector, which will have a positive impact in revitalizing the economy, enhancing its competitiveness, attracting investments, encouraging leadership and innovation, increasing employment opportunities and building expertise in this field.

He said that Jordan's achievements are still continuing in various fields, especially the economic ones, under the leadership of His Majesty King Abdullah II, who dedicates his efforts to advance the kingdom and provide a better life for Jordanians, in addition to the constant movement to support the nation's causes, foremost of which is the Palestinian cause and the defense of holy sites.

Eng. Al-Rawajbeh stressed that "maximizing and rooting the values ​​of independence is through continuing to build, respecting the rule of law, preserving the gains, and creating a business climate to be more attractive for localizing investments, especially the communications and information technology sector, enabling it to provide more job opportunities."

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