كتّاب الأنباط

Shyness and hypocrisy do not meet !!!

الأنباط -

Al-Anbat -  Engineer Hashem Nayel Majali


Shyness is a contraction of the self from what is reprimanded and its fruit is rebelling against what is taken away by lust of nasty things. If the fabric of this virtue is torn apart by the lust of the soul, the body of humanity is dissolved in the person, and his position and reputation are lost. (and bad is the name of lewdness after faith ) For every religion there are morals and the moral of man is shyness and It is true that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) passed by a man while he was preaching his brother in shyness. The Messenger of Allah said: "Let him be shy for it comes from faith." and as it says who is dressed by shyness, his defects will not be known by anyone, and Salah bin Abd Al Qadoos said -if the face water decreases then the shyness decreases ... and there is no good in a face that has less water).

Shyness in a man may be of three aspects of his life, first of God, second of  people and the third of his own self. His shyness of God is in compliance with his orders and stop what is bad and corrupt, but shyness of people is by helping people repressing harm  regardless of the methods followed, or the actions taken by the person that harm others, whatever the reasons they invoke, however shyness of the self is chastity and preventing the soul from making mistakes.

Shyness denotes being shy and it is against rudeness, it is a proof that the human is committed to his religion, it is characterized by restoration, its title is success and his heart is pure. The criterion of good morality and its relationship is shyness. It indicates the good place he came from, that is, the ethics are the basis of civilization and the rise of any nation.

The goodness of human life leads to the integrity of society, but when the society is paralyzed morally, he loses the basis on which the activities, programs and projects work, loses confidence between people, and loses the effectiveness of society and status.

Many of the negative personalities, whatever their position, are able to extract the ugliness from themselves and return to the purity of the self. Many of the figures are exposed to the people openly and in isolation from their actions and behaviors. He contradicts himself when he overlooks what others know and shyness prevents from doing bad deeds, it is a motive for doing good deeds.

Shyness and hypocrisy do not meet, as to be a two faced person to do in front of people or his officials something positive and between himself is something else contrary, he should be ashamed of himself as ashamed of others.

If a person is not shy about doing something that is contrary to moral and religious values, it is said, "If you are not ashamed, do what you want." If you are not ashamed of the defect and do not fear the shame of what you do, do what satisfies your desires, words and behaviors,for the thing that deters a man from positions of evil is shyness.


Translated by: Yasmeen AbuBaker

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