تخريج الفوج الثاني عشر من مرشحي كلية الأمير الحسن للعلوم الاسلامية المستشفى الميداني الأردني غزة/78 يتعامل مع أكثر من (18) ألف مراجعاً دفاع مدني الزرقاء ينشر نقاط اسعاف متقدمة داخل الأسواق والمجمعات الأردن يشارك بمؤتمر العمل الدولي في جنيف منتدى التواصل الحكومي يستضيف وزير الزراعة والدة الزميل عبد الوهاب السمان في ذمة الله أورنج الأردن تشارك فيديو يسلط الضوء على أهم فعالياتها لشهر أيار الفايز يترأس الإجتماع الأخير لمشروع تحديث "المخطط الشمولي الحضري للعقبة الخاصة" 2040 الملك ورئيس تشاد يبحثان مستجدات المنطقة والتطورات الخطيرة في غزة وزيرة التنمية الاجتماعية تبحث مع وزيرة التنمية الاجتماعية الفلسطينية تطوير خدمات الحماية والرعاية الاجتماعية على هامش لقاء اللجنة العليا الأردنية الفلسطينية المشتركة مجموعة قصصية.. فالس الغراب - للقاص يوسف ضمرة ملخص نسب الأمطار ودرجات الحرارة لشهر ايار 2024 فريق وزاري يزور محافظة الكرك اللواء المعايطة يرعى تخريج مستجدي الأمن العام البحوث الزراعية وجيدكو يوقعان اربع اتفاقيات لتمكين الجمعيات القوات المسلحة: تحضيرات واستعدادات للاحتفال بمناسبة اليوبيل الفضي 40 شهيدا و150 جريحا في غزة خلال الساعات الــــــ24 الماضية الخصاونة: الملك قاد جهدا دوليا لوقف العدوان على قطاع غزة الشديفات يكتب.. في عيد الجلوس الملكي.. راياتك تخفق في القمه حضور ولي العهد تدريب المنتخب يرفع معنويات "النشامى" قبيل المباراة الحاسمة بتصفيات كأس العالم
عربي دولي

Kairouan Mosque and Sidi Bou Said.. Historical and aesthetic paintings that put Tunisia on the world's tourist map

الأنباط -

Al-Anbat -Neemat Al-khoura

Translated by - layan khouly

The Uqba Ibn Nafih Mosque in the city of Kairouan in Tunisia is considered an architectural masterpiece, which is what the exploits of the Arab and Islamic civilization left in the world.

An exploratory tour by "Al-Anbat”, organized by the Tunisian Embassy in Amman and in cooperation with Royal Airlines, inside this historic mosque, which was built in its infancy with simple materials such as palm tree trunks, bricks, and so on.

Uqba Ibn Nafeh Mosque is one of the tourist and historical destinations in the province of Kairouan. It was built in the direction of length, following the example of Iraqi mosques. Its length is between 127.6 and 125.2 m, and its width is between 78 m at the qibla wall and 71.70 m. This building includes a prayer house topped by two domes.  Rebuilding it after the rise of Hassan bin Noman Africa and his elimination of the priesthood revolution.

The mosque constitutes an important Islamic historical period in the history of Tunisia and its aim is to spread the Islamic call, in addition to establishing many schools to teach the Islamic religion.

The columns on which the mosque was reconstructed are columns that were brought from Roman antiquities and included in its corridors on the Night of Power last Ramadan, according to city officials, between 30,000 to 40,000 worshippers, and to hold Tarawih prayers, which is the largest mosque in North Africa.

The city of Kairouan, in which the Uqba Ibn Nafeh Mosque is located, is a large tourist city and is the first Islamic city in North Africa that was founded by Uqba Ibn Nafeh, where it flourished alongside Islamic sciences, medical sciences and engineering sciences, in addition to flourish for crafts and traditional industries.

The city was visited by one million and 150 thousand visitors before the Corona pandemic to keep pace with the festivals that are held there, while the number of visitors after the pandemic, that is, in 2021, reached more than 700 thousand visitors and the number is increasing.

While the Sidi Bou Said area is considered a picturesque tourist area, it is characterized by a traditional Tunisian building that reflects an aesthetic on the Mediterranean Sea.

Al-Anbat toured the area, whose secrets were decorated with its blue color intertwined with white in an artistic painting punctuated by streets characterized by the presence of markets for traditional and heritage industries that attract tourists and local visitors.

The city of Bou Said, located on the Mediterranean Sea, was named after Abu Said bin Khalaf bin Yahya al-Baji, an Islamic scholar who spent his life in Tunisia.

Boussaid and Tunisia in general are famous for their kouskous and fish, which are served on the Tunisian table. Fish, especially "tuna", is included in many dishes, in addition to "azma", which is eggs that are served with all daily meals in Tunisia.

The Tunisian table is also keen that the food served is a Tunisian production par excellence, in addition to its fame for its clothes, shoes and leather jackets.

Tunisia today wants to open its doors strongly to Arab and international tourism after the Corona pandemic, but it wants to shed more light on the interest in Arab tourism to introduce Arabs to a single aesthetic that the country is experiencing despite the political and health conditions it has gone through in the recent period.