الزميل علي فريحات ..مبارك الماجستير في الاعلام الرقمي ضعف الثقة بالنواب والأحزاب، أحد أسباب العزوف، وعلى الدولة بكل مؤسساتها تأمين أفضل الظروف لإجراء انتخابات نيابية نزيهة وشفافة "ياسيد الأشواق"يجمع مابين سارة السهيل وكريم الحربي للعام الثاني على التوالي "الأردني الكويتي" أفضل بنك في الأردن في مجال المسؤولية المجتمعية لعام 2024 الأسد المتأهب: تنفيذ عدداً من التمارين التعبوية المشتركة مع الدول الشقيقة والصديقة رحلة المنتهى المها عيــــسى قراقـــع يكتب:الكتابة بين الجثث – قُبلة على جبين غزة في الذكرى ال 76 للنكبة الملك يستقبل وزير الدفاع السنغافوري انباء متضاربة عن مصير الرئيس الإيراني بعد حادث لمروحيته المستقلّة للانتخاب تُشرف على ورشة العمل الثالثة لتعزيز قُدُرات الأحزاب السياسية في إدارة الحملات الانتخابيّة قرارات مجلس الوزراء رغم التحذيرات، الدفاع المدني يستجيب لـ43 حادث غرق نجم عنها 19 وفاة الحسيني يرعى برنامج المحاكمات الصورية الأمم المتحدة: المعبر البحري ليس بديلا للممرات البرية في غزة الخريشة يدعو إلى الإنتخاب على أسس برامجية وليس شخصية الخريشة يدعو إلى الإنتخاب على أسس برامجية وليس شخصية المستشفى الميداني الأردني نابلس2 يجري العديد من العمليات 68 قتيلا ضحايا الفيضانات بأفغانستان "المدن والقرى" والمعهد العالمي للنمو الأخضر ينظمان ورشة عمل

Queen Rania Teacher Academy Awarded 2022 Frank Murray Leadership Recognition for Continuous Improvement

الأنباط -

The Queen Rania Teacher Academy (QRTA) was awarded the 2022 Frank Murray Leadership Recognition for Continuous Improvement on Tuesday, September 13th, by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), the largest accreditation council of its kind in the United States.

QRTA was among 32 other educator preparation providers (EPPs) to receive recognition for its leadership and commitment to improving and strengthening P-12 education. The coveted award is reserved for CAEP-accredited EPPs that have met the council’s highest standards.

Commenting on the academy’s latest accomplishment, QRTA CEO Osama Obeidat stated that, "we are honored to have received the 2022 Frank Murray Leadership Recognition for Continuous Improvement, which acknowledges our collective efforts that culminated with receiving international academic accreditation last year for our Teacher Education Professional Diploma from CAEP.”

"This award not only proves that our diploma is highly effective in training teachers, but also celebrates QRTA’s hard work, dedication, and unwavering commitment to excellence,” he added.

For his part, chair of the CAEP Board of Directors Yuhang Rong explained that "the EPPs that CAEP is recognizing are committed to continuous improvement and preparing their students to succeed in a diverse range of classrooms after they graduate.”

"CAEP accreditation is a sign of commitment to quality through purposeful use of evidence. The Murray Leadership Recognition recipients should be proud of their accomplishments,” he said.

Rong also stated that Frank Murray, the founding president of the Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC) and award’s namesake, was "passionate about education preparation, a prominent leader in our profession, and an advocate for evidence to improve education.”

In December 2021, QRTA became the first educational organization in Jordan to be fully accredited by CAEP for seven years, the longest accreditation period granted by the council. QRTA also became the third educational organization in the Middle East to acquire CAEP accreditation, making Jordan the second country in the region to receive recognition. Accordingly, CAEP accreditation positioned QRTA alongside many international institutions working steadfastly in the field of teacher training.
Established in 2009, and in line with Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah’s vision, QRTA is a non-profit organization committed to supporting and empowering educators with the skills needed to nurture and lead future generations.
QRTA offers innovative and evidence-based professional development programs informed by international best practices and the latest research in the field. Since its inception, QRTA has provided professional learning opportunities for teachers and school leaders, with an outreach of over 100,000 professional development opportunities across its various programs.