
56% of employees’ worldwide research for a new job

Alanbatnews -


Al-Anbat- Seham Qasem


A new poll shows that 56% of employees around the world intend to look for a new job in the next 12 months.


This figure, published by Bankrate, represents a rise from the 51% recorded last year, amid the widening resignation phenomenon.


The data indicate that 30% of employees want to look for a higher-paid job, while 30% look for a balance between career and personal life.


13% of employees look for flexibility in working hours and 12 % want to work from home.


It was remarkable that, amid the precarious economic situation, 30% expressed concern about the loss of their job, which is lower than last year.


The poll summarized that whoever wants to search for a new job should update their CV and try to reach a solution that satisfies everyone in their current job and make use of electronic tools to search for new jobs.