
Institute of Politics and Society opens an advanced program for young leaders

Alanbatnews -

Al-Anbat - Seham Qasem 

The institute of Politics and Society and the German foundation Friedrich Ebert launched ,on Friday, the second course of the advanced program in youth leadership skills, which aims to empower Jordanian youth in effective and innovative participation in political life. 

The program, in which 25 young men and women participate, brings together theoretical and applied fields, content, and skills to enhance young people’s knowledge and skills in the areas of political action and democratization and it is based on the philosophy of transferring knowledge and its tool from theory to practice and which contributes to raising the moderation and the shape of young leaders’ influence on their surroundings and in the light of the Kingdom's national efforts to modernize the political system, democratize and expand the base of popular participation in decision-making. 

The design of the training program comes on two interrelated and integrated levels from building knowledge of political content around the political system, theories of transition and democratization, the role of technology in politics, human rights, and gender issues, while the second level addresses political leadership skills and focuses on electoral campaign strategies, negotiation, thinking, and strategic stewardship and its applications to the work of government, parliament, and political parties and advocacy skills. 

According to the project coordinator Abdullah Al-Tai, the program participants receive training in advanced communication and dialogue skills to assist them in the various stages of the program to manage effective dialogue and the program devotes a pivot to the role of technology in changing the pattern of political action as the government turns to the Internet services and analyzes the relationship between technology and transparency on the one hand and technology and political participation on the other hand and social media platforms for political marketing rely on algorithms rather than human editors,and discussing examples of politicians using the Internet to promote their programs and ideas. 

He added that the participants will deal with electoral campaign strategies with applied examples followed by a panel discussion on a range of film and cinematic productions, which young participants look forward to learning about effective negotiating tools and plans, bilateral and multilateral issues related to parliament's work in legislation and oversight and contributing to  building national development plans that would qualify them for strategic thinking and stewardship and decision-making models which would help to understand challenges and opportunities and reconsider the formulation of problems and decisions.

He said that the institute seeks, through the program, to present creative ideas and practical solutions that contribute to addressing local and regional challenges in the political, economic and social fields, and the role of youth in politics and society within the system of national values ​​in promoting a culture of moderation, moderation, the rule of law, good governance and the development of democratic life.