
MPs' Foreign Affairs Condemns Ongoing Israeli Incursions into Palestinian Cities

Alanbatnews -
Al-Anbat - Mahmoud Alayyat

The Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee denounced the Israeli occupation army’s incursions into Palestinian cities and repeated attacks on them, the latest of which was the aggression on the cities of Nablus and Ramallah at dawn today, Tuesday.
In addition, said in a press statement issued today, Tuesday, by its president, Khaldoun Hina that the Israeli military escalation campaign threatens to erupt into a new cycle of violence, with everyone suffocating with its fire.
He emphasized that such Israeli incursions portend a dangerous escalation for which Israel bears responsibility, threaten security and stability and could destroy the entire peace process.
 He stressed the need for the Israeli occupation to stop all its military operations against the Palestinians and all its illegal measures that undermine the two-state solution and the chances of achieving peace.
He called on the international community to move as quickly as possible to provide protection for the brotherly Palestinian people and to launch a real effort to achieve a just peace that ends the occupation and embodies the independent Palestinian state with occupied Jerusalem as its capital on the June 4, 1967 lines.