
47.8% of Companies Listed on the Amman Stock Exchange Are Owned by Foreigners

Alanbatnews -


Translated by: MAYS ALSHAWABKEH 

 Irsheed: Over the previous few years, foreign investments have encountered no escape.

Makhamreh: Tax-free Investment Benefits on the Amman Stock Exchange.

According to Amman Stock Exchange figures, non-Jordanian investors purchased shares for 7.3 million dinars through exchange trading in September 2022, accounting for 5.6% of total trading volume, while they also sold shares worth 9.4 million dinars during the same time frame. 
The net non-Jordanian investment for the month of September 2022 was worth 2.1 million dinars by negative, compared to 3.6 million dinars by negative for the corresponding month in 2021. 
According to economic researcher Mazen Irsheed, the Amman Long Term Exchange's goal of sustainable investment is international investment, which allows the ownership of non-Jordanians in nearby enterprises possible. The ratio was 49% ten years ago and is now 47.8%. 
The majority of these investments, he continued to Al-Anbat, are in the banking sector (banks), insurance companies, some industrial sectors (potash and phosphate), and part of them in the real estate sector, he said, adding that there hasn't been a flight of foreign investments over the past few years, showing that they're still stable in the face of the nation's economic crises. 
The Amman Stock Exchange has seen an increase in foreign investment as a result of Jordan's security and political stability as well as the success of public shareholders listed on the Amman Stock Exchange investment funds, which have a long-term and long-term investment vision, particularly in the banking and mining sectors. This was also mentioned by economic analyst Wajdy Makhamreh. 
Al-Anbat asserts that one benefit of investing in the Amman Stock Exchange is that profits can be transferred outside of Jordan without any restrictions due to the absence of external support for some funds in Jordan and the willingness of some nations, including Qatar, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. As a result, a significant portion of these investments are made on the Amman Stock Exchange. 
According to data provided by the Amman Stock Exchange, non-Jordanian investors purchased shares worth roughly 227.2 million dinars from the start of the year until the end of September 2022, accounting for 13.9% of total trading volume, while they also sold shares worth 312.7 million dinars. The net non-Jordanian investment is at 85.5 million dinars by negative value, compared to 28.2 million dinars by negative value for the same period in 2021. 
The total value of purchases made by Arab investors in September 2022 was approximately 6.6 million dinars, or 90.3% of the total value of purchases made by non-Jordanians, while the total value of purchases made by non-Arab investors was 0.7 million dinars, or 9.7% of all purchases made by non-Jordanians. 8.1 million dinars, or 86.0% of the total value of non-Jordanian sales, were generated by Arab sales. Sales by non-Arabs totaled 1.3 million dinars, or 14.0% of all sales to non-Jordanians. In the month of September 2022, the net investment by Arabs was worth 1.5 million dinars, while the net investment by non-Arabs was worth 0.60 million dinars. 
Thus, at the end of September 2022, non-Jordanian investors will account for around 47.8% of listed firms' total market value and 37.1% of corporate investment institutions of companies, institutions, and funds. Arabs made up 32.2% of the market value of the stock exchange, while non-Arabs made up 15.6%. Sectoral, non-Jordanian investors contributed 51.0%, 19.7%, and 54.0% to listed businesses, respectively.