
Specific delivered internally and externally messages by Communist Party of China (CPC) behind the meeting of "two sessions" after the outbreak of (Covid-19)

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An analytical vision of the Egyptian researcher in the post- (Covid-19) world

Specific delivered internally and externally messages by Communist Party of China (CPC) behind the meeting of "two sessions" after the outbreak of (Covid-19)

Analysis By: Dr.Nadia Helmy

Associate Professor of Political Science, Faculty of Politics and Economics / Beni Suef University- Egypt. An Expert in Chinese Politics- Visiting Senior Researcher at the Centre for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES)/ Lund University, Sweden- Director of the South and East Asia Studies Unit

The annual conference of the two sessions (Lianghui) has been postponed several times since during last March 2020, due to China's preoccupation at home with anti-Corona virus measures. But amid the determination of the Chinese authorities this time to send several internal and external messages, and that the Chinese government is able to recover and return to political and economic activity quickly after the Corona pandemic, which has overwhelmed China internally, and caused global turmoil and losses, so it was agreed to propose to open the annual session The third of the 13th National Congress of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the country's top political advisory body, in Beijing on May 21, 2020. It is the first time for the "Chinese Government work Report" not to establish a specific goal for the annual quantitative economic growth rate, because the epidemiological situation and the situation of economy is very uncertain so far, as a result of China's economic development facing some unpredictable effects.

The meetings of the (National People's Congress) with the participation of the (Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference) emphasized on focusing on the main tasks of the party and the country, and making good suggestions and plans for issues, which are: prevention and control of the epidemic, building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects, and alleviating its severity. Poverty and the development of the 14th five-year plan during this year's "two sessions".

During the conference, cooperation between the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and representatives of the various provinces of China took place to set a common vision for the post (Covid-19) crisis. The Chairperson of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference "Wang Yang" has demanded during its held to gather wisdom and strength in all aspects to reach the country's goals in mitigating the impact of the epidemic, and building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. The Egyptian researcher will explain all the related points in the following lines.

First: Joint plans of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Provinces representatives to recover China from the crisis of (Covid-19)

The Egyptian researcher focused - at the personal level - on analyzing number of general aspects of the meeting, with its (internally and externally) indications and utmost importance for the "two sessions" this year to quick hold the conference, and the Chinese keenness to highlight of the "two sessions" at home and abroad as well, in order to achieve the following characteristics and advantages:

The two sessions were keen to discuss (building a well-off society in an all-round way), during the deliberations of the third session of the 13th National People's Congress. The most prominent discussions among members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, such as: (Li Chanshu, Wang Yang, Wang Hu Ning, Zhao Luji, and Han Cheng), all of whom are well-known names of the Chinese' people and around the world, have fully emphasized their support to the government work report presented by Chinese Premier "Li Keqiang" during the session.
Representatives of the two sessions also agreed to study carefully the draft of (the new civil law) in China, and it is expected that it will be the first basic law defined as a "comprehensive set of legal rules" for the People's Republic of China in case of adopting it.

Some may ask about the reasons behind the discussion and passing (the new civil law) in China in this time?

Briefly, the answer in a nutshell is that this is an urgent and real necessity in keeping pace with the changes that occurred post (Covid-19) crisis, such as:
A) With the need to increase the use of advanced technological technologies, the importance of (protecting personal information and big data of individuals and protecting the property, companies, and factories) and others arises.
B) With consideration of the possibility and ways of working, concluding and signing (electronic contracts) in the internet environment and completing them.

C) The new thing is the leaders of both chambers "sessions" as well, to develop a (code of conduct) related to the medical and scientific research activities of human genetics and human embryos. Because they are new issues that require a new and specialized technical legal mechanism to discuss as new global issues.

The members of both houses unanimously agreed on the need to improve the legal system of the Special Administrative Region of (Hong Kong) and the law enforcement mechanisms, to protect national security in the first place, especially since the general framework respected by the Chinese is the Chinese constitution, and the improvement of the basic legal framework for the "Hong Kong Special Administrative Region", is something that the Chinese people, especially the Chinese people in Hong Kong should be respected.

Provincial representatives who have been attending the two-session meetings were also discussed about the affairs of their areas. For example, Wang Yang, Chairman of the "National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative" Conference, called on "Sichuan Provincial Representatives" to address the negative effects of the emerging coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic, and share the efforts of the Chinese president (Xi Jinping) in his fight against poverty.

One of the most noticeable things was the stress of "Mr.Wang Hu Ning", member of the Secretariat of the Communist Party Central Committee, to support the coordinated development, especially of the major cities, for its civilized connotation before the world, especially cities: (Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei), asserting also on supporting the projects and development in the new (Cheungan) area.

The beautiful thing is that the two sessions has announced the necessity of good Chinese preparation for the Winter Olympic Games in 2022, and the agreement of the deputies of "Hebei" Province, which will host it, on the need to prepare for it from now to show the image of China post the Corona pandemic.

Representatives' keenness to discuss combating corruption, and tightening control over the implementation of major decisions and measures. This was enthusiastic by the deputies of "Heilongjiang" Province, agreeing with the assurances of (Zhao Lijie), secretary of the "CPC" Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

The deputies of "Shaanxi" Province stressed the importance of creating a greater field for developing market entities, supporting all state efforts in their province to achieve economic and social development, and providing practical solutions to meet all challenges facing development.

During the meetings, great care was also taken to discuss the mechanisms and means of developing the (People's Liberation Army) of China and modernizing the defense efforts as well, in light of the regional and global challenges around China.

As expected, we found the focus of the two sessions this year is to develop deliberate plans against an outbreak and an increase in the unemployment situation, which resulted through the interruption of many jobs after the outbreak of the epidemic, so provincial representatives and deputies have emphasized their study of the needs to the markets for their provinces, studying the unemployment rate and the unemployed from working after the virus.

Also, due to the effects of the virus, all agreed on the importance of protecting the disadvantaged, marginalized and poor groups who were negatively affected by the epidemic.

Representatives' keenness to discuss how and ways to reduce the burden on small and medium companies, ways to help the market recovering, increase and diversify the available job opportunities, and give great importance to the services industry.

One of the most important priorities for the two sessions this year was to develop plans to study how to tackle the recession and economic contraction after the epidemic, which negatively affected the income level of the population.

The topics of (achieving stability in employment, financing, foreign trade, and foreign investment, attracting investments, expectations to ensure employment, basic livelihoods ways, active market actors, secure food and energy needs of the population and the country, and provide the main industrial supply chains for companies and factories in China).

Representatives of the two annual sessions this year were keen to discuss how to commit achieving the economic growth post-epidemic, achieving self-sufficiency, and expanding domestic demand as a strategic focal point affirming the solidarity of all Chinese people together, which allows driving economic growth.

As an urgent result of the reasons for the outbreak of the epidemic from the beginning, therefore, everyone demanded the need for a "comprehensive review of the Wildlife Protection Law", asking "The National People's Congress Standing Committee "NPC" to take a quick special decision to prohibit the consumption of wild animals, and to take firm measures against the illegal trade in wild animals.

Secondly: My analytical view of the "Chinese government actions" report during the "two sessions", and the most important points influencing and deepening China and the world

overviewing at the Chinese report on the "Chinese government's actions" and its most important plans after (Coved-19) - it became clear to me at the analytical level - that the Chinese government has adopted a series of special and quick effective economic measures under the special epidemiological situation.
On the own personal level, the most important deeper economic measures for the two sessions this year were many measures that were discussed and called for their activation. Members of the two legislative sessions and the annual general conference confirming the commitment adhere to the central and unified leadership of the "CPC" Central Committee, and call for maintaining strategic design and continuing to strive to do so.

Therefore, the Chinese government was keen to work several economic measures and policies for the benefit of the Chinese people in the first place, and the most important and profound measures for me were the following:

1) Putting plans to address and revive the Chinese economy during the coming period in light of the travel ban, and closing the borders of China and the world to control the pandemic (Covid-19), and the first plan that can be put forward is: Reducing expenditures in order to restore the strength of the economic activity, leading to operating Chinese companies and factories effectively, helping to overcome the negative effects of the epidemic.
2) Establishing a mechanism and plans for China to host the "Canton Fair", this is held annually in "Guangzhou". However, due to the halt of international travel and the ban on foreigners entering the country, Chinese factories will need to find new sources of business. This is what has discussed during the conference meetings.

3) The meetings certainly aimed to revive the manufacturing sector in factories and companies, which make up about a third of the Chinese economy. And that stopped temporarily working after the outbreak.

4) The government was keen to address the mechanisms, programs, and plans for implementing a comprehensive national reform package in the sectors of the economy, market, governance, health, and others, aimed at strengthening policy, governance and institutional systems through the loan giving system, activating the tools and financing system for the projects, and eliminating unemployment, according to a well plan thought out economic activity regains its strength post coronavirus pandemic.

5) I was very impressed by the discussion of the topic of combating unemployment in the countryside, by: strengthening the relationship between poverty alleviation and rural recovery, through: the comprehensive encouragement of developing rural industries, talents, culture and the environment in the countryside, and encouraging "village tourism" to increase the income of the poor, as a guarantee to encourage Poor people to integrate into society and fight unemployment.

6) Among the deepest economic reforms to support growth during the forthcoming period are: helping small and micro companies, reducing taxes and fees, and promoting employment of major groups, such as: university graduates and migrant workers, and people who have difficulties in work.

Thirdly: Achievements of the two sessions (Improving the image of the Communist Party of China "CPC" against US attempts to tarnish it)

Taking a general overview look at the most important results of the "two sessions" meeting, we can analysis the following points:

1) The conference has succeeded in improving the image of the Communist Party of China "CPC", against American attempts to hamper its success, and to demonstrate its superiority over the struggling democracies in the West to fight the virus, especially the United States of America.

2) The conference also constituted a valuable opportunity to remind the Chinese people and the international community of the most important achievements of the Communist Party of China during the previous period. The Chinese President (Xi Jinping) told the Communist Party leaders recently in a general speech that: "The recent decline in casualties have demonstrated once again the outstanding advantages of a leadership of the "CPC", and the socialist system with Chinese characteristics".
3) The Communist Party of China "CPC" has been successfully setting up mechanisms, programs and plans to implement comprehensive national reforms in the health sector aimed at reforming public hospitals, promoting integrated health care, improving quality of care, strengthening policy and governance systems and institutional systems through the loan-giving system, and activating the system and tool for financing programs according to The results of the reform of China's post-Corona health sector, with an announcement that it is ready to transfer its expertise and help the world.

4) At the international level, the extent of China's success in besieging the epidemic was discussed, and the Chinese response to the Corona pandemic crisis around the world, which (rocked the American image) in the international system, and through the political concepts in the international policy of Chinese President (Xi Jinping) has successfully expressed the ideas of: International interdependence, global solidarity, and the common destiny of humankind. These are the concepts that China has applied (realistically) through the direction of the world's attention, especially European countries, towards China to ask for help.

According to the previously detailed mentioned points, it is clear that the Chinese state is keen to recover quickly after the pandemic, with the confirmation of the meeting of the two sessions to discuss this year in an exceptional urgent manner. Hence, we found that the goal of the Chinese government and the National People's Congress, with the participation of the Political Consultative Council, as the most important Chinese political event every year, to convey specific message, saying that: "China is recovering, and that the government is doing its full job to fully restore the economic activity"