
Mental desertification ... the dilemma of progress and development !!!

Alanbatnews -

Al-Anbat- Eng. Hashem Nayel Majali


We all know that desertification is a disease that affects agricultural land. There is a deterioration in the fertility of the productive soil and a decrease in productivity, and then it must be re-dredged and treated properly until fertility returns to it and returns to produce.

In many countries there is an intellectual desertification when the unemployment rate of the educated are high and it is not invested and exploited, they are out of job,  production, thinking and creativity, where desertification affects their minds,  ruins them and gradually lose the ability to production and creativity or innovation and development. These are an educated elite that should receive attention, whether literary, scientific, political or media, for it is the elite of  communities capable of development in all areas.

In other words, we are talking about development in all fields, that is, we are talking about the desertification of fields, the desertification of minds, which leads to poverty in one way or another. The absence of government policies and the lack of cooperation of the private sector in its forms, commercial, industrial, financial and other types, then the national trees are paralyzed by utility and paralysis if the government is unable to appoint or invest these minds in many fields and exploit them to produce the private sector and after imposing taxes on it and others, they prefer the expatriate worker to the Jordanian worker because he distributes his insurance and is able to dispense with his services at any time, and much of that. The educated young people have fallen between the fire, and there is no one to clean the roots and this is one of the most serious wounds that afflicts the country poverty and unemployment, which should receive the attention of all concerned government and private sector and give priority to study the educated unemployment, especially in the shadow of the sand drift on the valid soil, which means the drift of number of people from the educated professionals to neighboring countries to the homeland, they took the share of young people in most of the commercial and industrial places and even in the productive projects, they are partners in every interest with Jordanian citizens and under their umbrella and therefore there is no left to our youth except migration, and migration of the brain out of the country, thus lacking the sense of belonging and love for the homeland, which did not embrace them. Is globalization behind it when it imposes on the state to allow the cadres of professional qualifying of Arab nationalities and others to work in most fields, what does that mean and what is the message that we understand nationally.

And we are tired of following up scenes of frequent visits of officials to the provinces and the meetings and the presentation of marketing ideas conditional on the availability of financial allocations, this cylinder is repeated when the crisis in the provinces happen. There is no more toleration to attend such meetings unless there are calls accompanied by communications, we need activities, programs and projects on the ground accompanied by the implementation, and not workshops coupled with food and meals. They should coexist with the pain experienced by our youth and not with the quality of cooking and whether, do we have intellectual desertification and are we unable to find solutions to this dilemma, which is resolved in many civilized countries. There is an elite that thinks, creates and innovates solutions, but what about the elitist category that we have which deals with public affairs, unless the person who manages this file is unable to carry out the tasks and responsibilities entrusted to him. This is called the intellectual retreat of the official and this does not require lengthy explanation for it is written all over it.

And our message to young people who are looking for a living is,  do not wait for the job because it needs several years and by then you become infected by desertification of minds and thought and your exercise of knowledge no longer has any sense of existence, you have to continually rehabilitate yourself, raise your efficiency, volunteer participation and search for any job even if not the competence. There is no one who works to help you or to adopt your demands. This intellectual and mental desertification is against progress and development, get out from the prevailing pattern that dries up the pattern of thought, save yourself before it is too late.


Translated by: Yasmeen AbuBaker