
UJ and Questscope Organization Sign MoU

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The Center for Development and Community Service at the University of Jordan (UJ) along with Questscope organization for social development in the Middle East concluded a memorandum of understanding to go through “Youth Resolve” program, which is funded by the EU's Madad Fund.


The memorandum was signed by UJ president, Prof. Abdelkarim Al Qudah and the Executive Director of the organization, Muthanna Khriesat, with the attendance of the Vice President for Community Service, Prof. Musa Al-Lozi, and the Director of the Center for Development and Community Service, Dr. Rania Jaber.

The memorandum aims to implement the Friend Program through establishing a social support club for youth volunteers in the University. This club targets children who are ‘at risk’ and aims to train the youth to contribute in community development.

According to the memorandum, over 100 students in the Friend Program will be trained to help around 300 children in juvenile detention centers. In addition, it also states, that a team of students should be formed for the program in order to ensure its sustainability after its completion. 

After the signing, Al Qudah said, this cooperation offers opportunities for volunteering and community service.  He added that he hopes the Friend Program will succeed with the joint efforts between the University and Questscope.

Muthanna Khriesat said the Friend Program aims to offer alternatives for the kids and youth who need positive re-orientation. It also aims to build partnerships between them through dialogue and training to provide children with skills to meet their social and personal needs in areas of social interaction.  

Dr. Rania Jaber pointed to the important role that the Center plays in providing opportunities for students to volunteer. She added that the Center aims to solidify the cooperation with local and international institutions to develop and implement programs in the fields of community services and expand the options available for students, in order to realize the community service requirements according to their academic and specializations skills and personal desire.  

The Friend Program, which is funded by the European fund ‘Madad Fund’, is within the Youth Resolve Program to promote partnership between host communities and refugees, in order to spread peace and support local development.

The program is implemented in partnership with World Vision International and seeks to facilitate access to services and promote social cohesion to empower young people to take leadership roles.

The Quest Scope has been under the umbrella and supervision of the Ministry of Social Development since 1993 and aims to serve marginalized groups and enhance their role in the society.