
"On Prince Hussein's Visit: A Future Vision for Jordan in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution"

Alanbatnews -

Issam Almasaeid, President of the Knights of Change Association for Political Development and Civil Society Development, wrote:

In Jordan's ambitious rehab, where young people's dreams are contaminated by a changing reality and a future that hugs the horizon of technological development, Prince Hussein's visit to Singapore comes as a promising gateway towards integration into the fourth industrial revolution. On this visit, it is no secret that this cub is from that lion. From the den of wisdom and patriarchal leadership, Prince Hussein stands out as a symbol of young leadership looking for change and modernization.

As an active member of a youth association concerned with political development and entering into the era of the fourth industrial revolution in Jordan, I see in the Prince's visit a glimmer of hope to realize the vision of modern Jordan. Young people view Prince Hussein as a Persian commander, who holds the brigade of change and leads Jordan's ship towards technological safety and progress.

However, in the midst of this optimism, concern arises as a shadow of young people ' We are blocked by mountains of bureaucracy and red tape that shackle our ideas and projects. Unfortunately, we are witnessing men in positions of responsibility who are still looking at the world through the windows of the last century, holed up with fences of paperwork and monotonous actions that impede development and innovation.

At a time when Jordan looks forward to taking a prestigious place in a world that is relentlessly accelerating towards technological modernization, young people stand ready to contribute to this march, armed with science, knowledge and an unbridled desire for change. We look to Prince Hussein as an example of young leadership that transcends traditional boundaries, heralding a new era of creativity and innovation.

But the central question remains: Will this young spirit be able to penetrate the walls of the solid bureaucracy that obscure us from progress? Will our fiery ideas find their way to reality, or will they remain locked in office drawers and waiting files?

We, as Jordanian youth, demand a system that facilitates and empowers, rather than hinders and restricts. We want an environment that fosters innovation and encourages young people to contribute to building a promising future for our nation. Prince Hussein, with his insight and enthusiasm for technology and modernization, looks like the best leader for this stage, capable of bridging the gap between the present and the future, and between young people and decision makers.

Hence, we must be determined to meet the challenges, armed with hope and hard work. We must be part of the solution, offering ideas and initiatives that reflect the spirit of the times and are aligned with our ambitions as future-looking youth with optimistic eyes and belief in our nation's enormous capabilities.

Finally, Prince Hussein's visit to Singapore remains an important milestone in our path towards progress and prosperity. As it is said, "this cub of that lion," Prince Hussein clearly follows in his father's firm footsteps, pursuing an open and innovative approach that is in tune with the aspirations of young Jordanians.