Flights disrupted at several airports in Germany due to strikes

Al-anbat - Rahaf Abdullah

Flights at several German airports were severely disrupted on Monday, including 200 departures, due to strikes by airport workers.

Deutsche Presse-Agentur (DPA) quoted the Verdi labor union as saying that the airport of Berlin-Brandenburg and airports in northern Germany Hamburg, Hanover and Bremen will witness a full-day strike today, and this is likely to have an impact on other airports.

The union called on security and other employees to go on strike.

Airports advised passengers to contact their airlines for information on their flights.

In Hamburg, the strike began on Sunday evening.

At Hannover and Bremen airports, a 24-hour strike was announced starting at midnight last night.

According to Verdi, no passenger plane is expected to be able to take off or land during the day.