
Foods to help you overcome stress

Alanbatnews -
Al-Anbat – Karam Al Hjouj

Stress, anxiety, and fear are all negative emotions that may turn our lives into hell if we cannot overcome and get rid of them, but this is not as easy as we imagine, feelings of anxiety and tension creep into our lives against our will, the life we live, the surrounding events, society, working conditions and the whole family may cause great internal pressures and internal tension.

According to Russian nutritionist Dr. Anna Shutova, some foods can aid people in reducing and overcoming psychological stress.

According to 'Russia Today’ the nutritionist pointed out, that some psychological stress can occasionally be beneficial. Because of these situations, they are a starting point for making more positive changes in human life.

The nutritionist said, "When a person experiences continuous stress, his body uses up all of his defenses and weakens or develops numerous ailments."

The expert advises that you should adhere to a few straightforward guidelines in order to lower your level of stress and minimize its effects and consequences. These guidelines include engaging in regular physical activity, eating a healthy diet, giving up bad habits, spending as much time outside as you can, and consuming less coffee.

She emphasizes the need for activity and work and not to allow the development of stress to the chronic stage.

"The stage of relaxation, during which the body returns to a condition of balance, should come after the stage of psychological stress," she said.

She pointed out that there are certain foods that need to be consumed more frequently in order to lessen the effects of stress. Leafy vegetables, nuts, legumes, seeds, and whole grains are foods that have a high magnesium content.

Natural antidepressants include spinach, sweet potatoes, bananas, and seafood. The state of the nerves is also improved by dark chocolate and cocoa.

Tulasi green tea, chamomile, mint, and thyme are additional nutrients that reduce mental tension.