
Premeditated killers 

Alanbatnews -

Written by Hussien Jaghbeer       

The final statement

 Parliament endorsement  law  against Al-Anbat was not just to limit the publication of judicial news in three daily news papers, it was a systematic killing  process by the government , represented mainly by  information minister " Jumana Ghuniemat" and the minister of justice " Bassam Al-Talhune" , and with the blessing of the Journalists Syndicate. Moreover,  they didn't do anything  that  shows all of the employee in Al-Anbat news papers  they're with us and prove defense  represented by  Public Authority  and the news papers are financially committed to them . They worked hard to rise the three news papers no more . 

 Al-Anbat : a fourth daily news papers that hosts more than 60 employees " journalists and administrators " in Amman and provinces, they worked hard during many years to defend the rights for the homeland and citizen .This news paper is now preparing more than ever to hand over the keys to its offices to the government of Dr. Omar Al-Razzaz , which adopted this resolution push the stuff of the press institution   to the street without mercy , away from emotion close the closure of such an institution that reflects the true image of independent and free means that the state has undoubtedly lost  one of the most  important media in the country , a bullet fired on the neck of Al-Anbat without hesitation or thought.
Why you will let our employee and their families to the hell ? and for who that happened ?  and the  illegal resolution of the state  based on what? We need the answers of these questions "to know why? ".

How  does the state reward a news paper that has established itself a prominent place among daily news papers and to push it to the unfortunate.
   For who is all that sake? We have no answer. Because the impact of the event is greater than imagined by one is not reasonable to come to us from the stab who reassures him and believes that his support and his weapon, which is fighting it. 
Freedoms in the Kingdom are at their lowest levels. The word kills and the sound is covered by a device that keeps its breath. The pushing of an institution toward closure means that the words were painful and they must break up letters in Al-Anbat. 

Men will not stand idly in front of the failure of some to destroy the media and institutions of Jordan.        we will fight  until we  gain our rights  , which were torn and raped in night without any  moon lights by our closer people . 
"We will not stand and shed tears on families that will be displaced by an arbitrary mentality that led a criminal law that does not protect us as much as it kills us. We will stay and we will not stop even if we come to our mission and we will remain steadfast until the last moment ... .

Translate by : Dana Al-Shoubaki