No success without hardship !!!

Al-Anbat - Engineer Hashem Nayel Majali


In many cases, the same person or official is notified of something useful, beneficial or legitimate, and is keen to achieve, obtain and implement it. If consideration is given to the means and methods to achieve it, and within the limits of capacity and ability, the efforts will be made to implement and reach it. This is what we call determination and will. When we are still talking about projects and strategies and we do not seek to achieve them because they do not match the possibilities and capabilities, so they will remain within the limits of wishful thinking.

Then there is the impossible and the possible all this needs determination and will, and therefore sitting, wishing, talking, philosophy, and what comes to a mind without doing anything on the ground, it is like the spark that shines around the fire and then rise in vain.

The strength of the will towards work, achievement and realization of projects on the ground requires experience, knowledge, and planning, coupled with practical plans. Those who have not been preceded by experience or knowledge, and talk about projects and programs aimed at work and achievement and create real jobs for young people, remains in the center of imagination, and does not undermine at the end but disappointment and remains always hesitant, and the fear of moving forward is his main headline.


The coward official will not win the battle, in fact the one who wins is who thinks according to his ability, and he will do the act of order instead of forbidding, and the mind will resist the evil ideas, by his vitality, activity and his productive thinking that will not be submissive.

The man managed to control horses, ride them and guided them in his service,  as well as amid the conflicting circumstances he can adapt and know how to act for the sake of his benefit, if he becomes lazy or lost the hold of things , he can not achieve success, and his circumstances led him instead of him leading it. The successful official who sees chaos and organizes it, and when he sees that the opinion of the public is weak, he makes it stronger and not only prevention, but also by treatment, and grows inside the workers vigor and activity.

We find that many officials hesitate to take the initiative to implement projects or development and change for the better either for the fear of making mistakes or for illogical reasons.

Also, the majority of young people have become interested in recruitment in one of the government agencies, because it is basically eating, sitting  and not working, attendance without work or minimum effort or production, guarantee or  stability.

As the private sector has become dependent on low competencies with low salaries in restructuring coherence with the weakness of the economy and low income and profit and increase of taxes and others.

This requires a new incentive strategy followed by the government, and the young man is able to make his life poor or fertile, rich or empty, sad or happy, by determination and motivation without despair, but he has to expand his prospects without creating ills and excuses, for the world does not need the geniuses alone, and success is not limited to them only.  The guava seed is not entitled to aspire to be an apple tree, but it is necessary for it to be a guava tree. Conviction is a priceless treasure that can not be lost, therefore there is no success without hardship.