Disabled persons .. are heroes too!!

Al-Anbat -Awni Frej

Although I hate the word disabled or handicapped because disability is not the body at all ... We have often heard and watched and followed the creations and achievments of disabled people in all fields of scientific, literary, cultural and sports .. But I found myself using it as the title of my article ... Nothing but to try to convince officials and decision makers in the sports center .. that we have a sport for the disabled Progressing the ranks and achieve titles and achieve achievements .. Evidence of the achievements of champions of the Disabled Union in the current Paralympic Asian Games .. Of the achievements of a remarkable recorded by the creative table tennis star Khitam Abul Awad .. And the wonderful Ahmed Hindi That kidnapped a gold shot put among the masters of the heroes of these sports in the world ... and what is coming is more beautiful.

 I have been in contact with champions of these sports for a long time. I have accompanied them years ago in the Paralympic Games in Greece 2004, and there I have touched the amount of effort, fatigue and suffering that they endure in order to achieve achievements and raise the flag of the nation. It is the real struggle deriving from the suffering is experienced by those who were tested by God by being disabled .. Where the effort is made in circumstances beyond the energy it possesses .. And here lies the difficulty that is not felt by the ordinary athlete that is entering the competition with others .. But the disabled tries to overcome his disability before competing with his opponent in a real hard struggle.

We stand here in respect for these heroes who feel that they have not received their right of honor in their homeland .. similar to what happens with other heroes .. Although the sport of the disabled, facts and evidence .. Achieved titles and won international medals that even the sports practiced by ordinary people did not achieve .. The first Olympic medal was won by Jordanian sport through the history of our long participation in all the Olympic Games .. It is the hero Ahmed Abu Ghosh in the Olympics of Brazil about two years ago ... While the sport of disabled won so much medals, that are difficult to be listed in this hurry ..! 

Why not pay more attention to the sport of disabled people? Why not involve all of their teams in the major tournaments and championships? We, who heard that the Paralympic Committee shortened participation due to the lack of financial resources. Although the Olympic Committee participated in the Youth Olympics in Argentina, with teams that should have not participated, Including the basket that suffered large losses ... !!

We return to remember that the disabled is an distinguished athlete with high ambition and indomitable determination .. Support him and strengthened his morale to continue to innovate and walk on the path of championships and achievements .. Oh greetings to this beautiful elite of them .