Carrefour sells half-price expired meat and poisons two people

Carrefour sells half-price expired meat and poisons two people


One of the women filed a lawsuit against one of the commercial centers in Amman, Carrefour City Mall after she and her husband and her child were subjected to food poisoning after eating the expired meat of the epic belonging to the Carrefour City Mall according to the documents obtained by Al-Anbat . In the details of the case, the lady confirmed during the complaint that on 29/11/2018 she was shopping at the Carrefour City Mall and purchased a minced meat from the saga in the City Mall and that was the end of the work, pointing out in the complaint that the price of the meat is fixed at 7 dinars per kilo. She added that the employee calculated the kilo at 3 dinars and a half, and the employee told her that he had sold at this price because it was the end of the day, noting that she noticed that the color of the meat tends to black and when the employee asked why he told her the reason was due to storage. The woman complained that she had bought the meat and the next day she cooked it (Kosa Mahchi). She and her husband and her child said that they felt the next day with abdominal pain, vomiting and severe diarrhea. They were immediately taken to Al-Bashir hospital and the child was found poisoned and taken by the police. She said that after they left the hospital, she showed her child to a private doctor and then contacted the call center at Carrefour and told them what happened and asked them to treat her child, where she was contacted by someone who claimed to be responsible for the epic. During the complaint, the woman demanded that Carrefour be punished and all the victims were injured. Following the complaint, environmental and health police cadres were seized in the epic of the main commercial center, after two people were poisoned by eating food from the epic. According to the report issued by the security center of Tla 'Ali on 11-12-2018, the director of the saga B, said "the inspection of meat by the police environmental and health and some of the material was destroyed under the seizure and was released violation of the section because of the existence of some finished materials." In addition to the lawsuit papers, Al-Anbat received a medical report proving that the lady and her family were poisoned