Jordanian Ministry of Public Works & Housing is opening Jerusalem Road and hold its threshold

Jordanian Ministry of Public Works & Housing is opening Jerusalem Road and hold its threshold


Amman - Furat Omar  Al-Quds newspaper summarized the visit of the Jordanian delegation headed by Minister of Public Works and Housing Yahya Al-Kasbi to Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock, the content of the visit and its objectives,When the newspaper referred to "the Jordanian Minister of Works inspecting the Al-Aqsa Mosque," and the use of the newspaper a single "inspecting",Summarizing the hoped for and required from Jordan as expressed by Sheikh Azzam al-Khatib, Director General of the Department of Islamic Waqf and the affairs of the Aqsa Mosque,Which demanded the lifting of the official and popular visits to Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, to stabilize the Arabism of Jerusalem and strengthen the steadfastness of its people, under the Zionist onslaught on al-Aqsa and holy sites to Judaize the city of Jerusalem.

The Minister of Public Works and Housing toured the Al-Buraq Mosque and the Dome of the Rock inside Al-Haram Al-Sharif before performing the Asr prayer at Al-Aqsa Mosque,He listened to the demands of the Endowments Department and to the Jerusalemites who highly appreciated King Abdullah II's position and Jordan's position in supporting and strengthening the steadfastness of the Jerusalemites in their land in the face of the most violent colonization witnessed by the modern era.

Stressing that he will transfer all demands and messages to the government and to the Jordanian state, whether the demands made by the Endowments Department or the demands of Jerusalemites,Who hope Jordanian visits to Jerusalem will increase and that Jordanian institutions will be set up, said the owner of the national hotel in Jerusalem, Osama Assem,Which is keenly watching the establishment of bodies and centers of Islamic states amid the silence of the Arab countries specifically rich, appreciating the position of Jordan King, government and people, despite the limited budget and the difficulty of Jordan's economic state.

More than an agreement and memorandum of understanding signed between the Jordanian and Palestinian sides during the visit, most notably the memorandum of cooperation between the Jordanian and Palestinian ministries of labor and memorandum of understanding The International Arbitration Chamber signed by the Jordanian Contractors Association represented by its chairman Eng. Ahmed Al Yaqoub and the Palestinian Contractors Association, whose captain thanked the Jordanian side for donating its financial share of the Italian grant to establish a training center in Palestine,Stressing that the Jordanian side is to take over the training in Jordan and Palestine,Hoping that the Jordanian delegations will continue to come to the areas of power to deepen the bonds of brotherly ties between the two peoples in the two countries, in the words of the Palestinian Minister of Works, Dr. Mufid al-Hasayneh, who hailed Jordan as king, government and people for their continued support to the Palestinian people.

Translated by : Diana Hilal